Is anyone familiar with the drug Savella and has it helped them?

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New member
Jun 24, 2017
Hello, my name is Sylvie

I have been on Lyrica, Cymbalta and now wondering about Savella?

What are the side effects, does one put weight on using that medication?

Also does one know of any analsegic pain gel or cream that soothes fibromyalgia?
Hi Sylvie, Arnica (which you can buy in health food store) helps.
I recently started kava tea, however still need to research the effects of the root tea? Not sure. I'm planning on finding and buying in bulk. It really helped calm me and took away body pain.
You need to maybe see a homeopathic Professional to discuss, probably me too since I take Cymbalta. Not 100% on mixing.
The Arnica gel reduces inflammation.
Hope that helps.
I've tried Savella. It didn't help me, but fibro is pretty fickle and meds tend to work or not work for as of yet unknown reasons. If your doctor is recommending it, it's unlikely to hurt, you can always stop taking it. I've been on so many meds I honestly can't remember if I had any side effects to that one. I suppose if I don't remember it probably wasn't serious.

I'm not sure that any non-prescription analgesic creams can work for fibromyalgia if fibro is your only source of pain. My understanding is that analgesics usually target inflammation which usually isn't present because of fibro, though, if you have inflammation for another reason your fibro can make your pain from that worse.

Though fibro is kind of a nebulous umbrella term that not all doctors can agree on precise criteria for what it is and isn't, so depending on which theories your diagnosing doc(s) holds you could have a wildly different 'kind' of fibro than I do.
Hi Sylvie,

I just started Savella a couple of weeks ago myself and have noticed less fatigue with it. I'm having to increase the dose slowly because I've had some mild dizziness with it. Before I started on it, I would need a 2-hour nap on Saturday and Sunday whereas I haven't felt nearly as sleepy as before. Another possible side effect is something that feels like hot flashes. From what I've read, the side effects decrease as you're on it for a while so I'm hopeful.
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