Insurance and pain therapies

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Distinguished member
Jun 20, 2013
My insurance often does not cover as much as I would hope. I am wondering how insurance works for you all. What type of pain therapies will or has your insurance provider covered for you?
Just wanted to give you a response so you don't think we don't care. I have medicare, so it covers mostly everything I need at this point in my life. I have copays sometimes and of course must meet the deductables and things it does not pay for, so out of pocket is bigger in the spring of each year.

I thought about switching this year to a medicare advanage policy, but could not afford the extra money I would have to pay every month. So I try to limit my doctor visits and save money by using the multiphasic clinics held by our local rotary club and the hospital. This allows me to get bloodwork done twice a year for about $34.00 each time. I pay this, it is not covered by insurance. Some places have health fair clinics where you can go and get a lot of tests done for very little or for free.

I am not sure what you need that insurance does not pay for but ask around and sometimes you can find what you need for a reduced rate. Like locally done massages and therapy, and pain management. I am sure other members will share something that might be helpful to you. :)
I'm fortunate my work has great coverage so Dr. visits and most meds are covered. I use alternative medicine for pain and that is not covered.
I currently have medicaid and so far nothing is covered, the local medicaid office stated "prescribe Advil". I was just diagnosed last week so we are still trying to figure the whole medicine and medicine payment options, for now I'm just doing what I was doing before the diagnosis, non-drug pain/fatigue management.
I have medicaid and so does my sister. Revv, there are some things that are covered. You just have to push them to follow the regulations that are there. They might like to ignore them, but remind them that it would be against the law. I am on quite a few medications for pain and symptoms. You have to find a doctor who will think outside of the box with you. My sister, who has fibromyalgia is on many medications.

You have to find a doctor who will stand beside you and fight for you. You might have to go through ten doctors to find ONE that takes fibromyalgia seriously. My sister goes to the pain clinic itself, not easy to get into, but the key to getting covered medications when you are on medicaid. Do not let them make you think nothing is covered. It is! Do you have a local pain clinic? Can you get a referal? My sisters took 7 months from the point of referral to her first appointment, so you have to stay vigilant.
My insurance isn't the best of all, but it covers most of my basic needs. There are some really expensive treatments I need to buy on my own tho, but it's good they cover the other medications and treatments. The cover some of the most basic things, but since I'm dealing with several health issues at the same time, there will always be medications not covered by the insurance. I heard they might introduce alternative medicine into the plan, maybe acupuncture and homeopathy! So far only rumors tho. Not sure I'd like to see an acupuncturist there...
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