I'm new to this forum and i'm hoping to find some support.

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New member
Jul 21, 2015
I've had Fibromyalgia since 2010 but was officially diagnosed in March of 2011. I struggle greatly with severe depression with psychosis (yes i am receiving professional help). Also staying positive and motivated is increasingly difficult.

My pain came on very sudden in October of 2010 and got worse with every day and became constant and severe within a couple weeks. I was already depressed but then when the pain hit, my depression sky rocketed. I fell into destructive habits but received help and have overcome them with lots of hard work. I have tried just about everything to ease the pain, but nothing has helped.

I have a great deal of trouble trying to stay positive and motivated. Most days I just try my best to distract myself from the pain and that ends up being my whole day. Nothing got accomplished and the distractions were very temporary.
I have very understanding and loving friends and family, but none of them have Fibromyalgia or even moderate pain. For that reason they have no way of truly understanding how I feel. I would like to, hopefully, get some support from those who do suffer with Fibromyalgia or severe chronic pain. Well, i'm sorry for my long intro.

thank you for listening (more like reading ;) )
Welcome to the forum. I have bi polar2 and fibro ,so I no how it really don't help.there both seem to fed of each other.
So i really do understand where your coming from.
You really need the Dr to give you some meds.and it is a combination of meds that help get your through the day.
And a lot of trail and error ,
What does the Dr have you on ATM ?.
It's very irritating and difficult to be suffering with fibro but also a mental illness. And i am and have been on several medications ever since the beginning. The dr's have tried countless combination with no success. I don't have Bipolar but i do have a mood disorder (they originally thought I had bipolar). I have been on every medication that is supposed to help with fibro but i got serious side effects on all of them, plus they did not help the pain at all. and the anti-psychotics all gave me serious side effects, as well. i'm currently on Seroquel for depression and it has regulated my mood and has helped me a lot. I'm also on Deplin which is technically a vitamin. and i'm on Prazosin for ptsd. I see my dr's regularly and they have figured out good combinations of various meds that have made me much more mentally stable, but we are still working out the kinks.
I'm on sequel to.i must admit the side effects scare the �� out of me.
I'm on 150. They want me on 300. But it knocked me out and I have a little one to look after so I just can't .so I been put on xl.and I'm still a it little worried about taking it. I no I need it I hate the way I feel .and I no fibro is not helping one little bit.
But it is nice to meet someone else who has both problems ,not that's I'd wish this on anyone.
And when your in pain it really sends me even deeper.
My brother killed himself my dads had a break down and tired to kill himself .my mother is as we speak having a NBD to and then there me . If we were cats we would all be put in a bag and thrown in the cannel lol.
But I do believe the stress of modern life has a lot to answer to. I sometimes think we have evolved to much and we are all wondering what the hell am I meant to be doing.
I haven't had any side effects on seroquel, except for not being hungry and wanting to vomit after i eat (no, i'm not pregnant. and yes, i'm sure). I don't wish this sh*t on anyone, but i do agree with you that its nice to meet someone with the same problems. I'm sorry about your brother and dad. I don't know what its like to be close to that type of situation with a family member. but i did cut myself for a while and got addicted to it because my shrink at the time was an idiot and kept me on medication that totally made me flat. i couldn't feel anything emotionally and physically, and in order to attempt to feel something i would cut myself, but it didn't help. i did attempt killing myself but stopped before anything happened. With the constant and severe pain i got to a very dark place and was stuck for a very long time. i'm still there, i think, but definitely not as bad. i have been hospitalized in the psych hospital 3 times within 1 year for severe hallucinations and severe depression. and i was sad and felt abandoned because my birth mother gave me up for adoption, so i was angry at her for a very long time. but i was adopted at birth and into a very loving and supportive family. but its hard when they really want to understand my pain but they can't.
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