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Dec 6, 2015
I've done quite a bit of research on fibro because I suspect my husband may have it, although the VA hasn't given him a diagnosis, he does have an rx for Lyrica and Cymbalta. But that's another can of worms.

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in college, hypothyroidism when I was 22, and most recently since I've switched to a naturopath, pyroluria and chronic fatigue syndrome. I've had aches and pains off and on for the last 19 years, but have never been taken seriously. I usually keep it to myself or say, "oh, yeah, my back is a little sore but I make due." The problem I have is that the nature, intensity, and location are always different and I don't want to risk being called a hypochondriac. I'm making myself an appointment Monday, though, because I can't live like this. The last 3 weeks have been so intensely painful, I can't function and I'm robbing my daughter of an involved mom.

I read online that fibromyalgia usually has a triggering event and symptoms start gradually after that. When I was 14, I hurt my back and my parents didn't believe me. So I didn't get treated for almost 6 months. When I was 16, I started getting migraines a few times a year. Also around then, my shin splints started and achiness in my hips and lower back. When I was 17, I started getting random muscles spasms and pain in my neck. I had xrays, but I was told that my neck was too straight and that was that. I needed to not slouch and I'd get better. When I was 20, I started having issues with my feet and my lower back became an issue again to the point that I couldn't sit through a 50 minute class. At 21, I started feeling tired and the doctor told me it was allergies. At 22, I was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism, but was given synthroid because I was sleeping 16 hours a day and still didn't feel rested. Between then and now, the muscle pain has gotten worse and spread out, primarily it's in the base of my skull through my neck, into my shoulders, down my back to the bottom of my rib cage, then into my hips and pelvis. Lately, it's been going down the backs of both arms and into my forearms and hands. Also, my legs and feet feel like I hiked up a mountain even though I usually sit around on my butt. Last year, I was switched from synthroid to NDT and diagnosed with chronic fatigue. Initially my symptoms improved, but they've come back with a vengeance. I've had TMJ issues in the past, I'm an insomniac, sleep never helps me feel rested, I have some IBS issues, anxiety and depression are a problem and have always been, brain fog despite thyroid treatment, and migraines. From what I've seen online, I have pain in 14 of the 18 tender points.

I share all that to ask this: Am I losing my mind? Am I just going crazy? I know I have a high pain tolerance, but am I losing it? Am I being a weenie? Obviously losing a few pounds will help, but I'm not that overweight. Or am I? Will standing up straight and not slouching be a miracle cure?

I'm going to see my doctor as soon as I can get an appointment, and since I've switched to a naturopath, I do feel listened to and taken seriously more than ever before. But is it something I should advocate for? I realize the process to receive a diagnosis takes time, and I'm ok with that if it's worth it. Obviously, if I can't be diagnosed there's nothing I can do, but until I get to that point, is it worth pursuing? Or am I just turning into a crazy old lady? Because I really feel like I'm just losing it.
Hello ergaines, and welcome. Are you getting any relief from your Natropath? You are not crazy I think we can all relate to having the same kind of thoughts especially when you don't have a diagnosis. Is your Natropath an MD too? ( there are many types) Perhaps finding a doctor that is familiar with fibro would finally get this resolved for you. The way you feel does sound like a lot of us here. You are not alone. I hope you start getting some real relief soon. Once you start getting some help to sleep it will be so helpful in regards to managing the pain.
Thanks for sharing your experience,
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