I'm Harvey

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New member
Aug 14, 2013

I am 25 and I live in Georgia.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in May of this year.
My blood also came back positive for Lyme disease, but an infectious disease doctor told me it's a false positive because it is impossible to get Lyme disease in Georgia. Needless to say, I am waiting to see someone else to figure out what is really going on with that.

My biggest problem is the fatigue. I don't know how I will ever hold a regular job. I look forward to making some friends on here.
If your blood test came back positive for Lyme disease, find another doctor to handle it. A rheumatologist would be a good idea. There are ticks everywhere from Canada the whole way down to Florida, and out west. There is treatment that helps ease the symptoms and it is best to get treatment as soon as possible.

That said, welcome to the forum. I think you will find this forum has a lot of good information that will help you cope with fibro and get to feeling a bit better soon. Ask any question and we will try to answer in a way that helps you. Glad to have you here! :)
Hey Harvey. I was just diagnosed two weeks ago. Starting Savella on Monday and hoping for relief and minimal side effects. I have had huge issues with severe pain, fatigue and brain fog for the last 3 months.

I work full time. No choice I have to support my family. The kids have been good about helping since by the time I finish working I'm too tired to do much at all. Hubby is also doing more so I can rest.

It's a battle but I can't go down for the count. I continue to run 4 days a week. I have had to slow down and drop my mileage but I'm still moving.
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