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Senior member
Sep 8, 2014
Well I went to my psychiatrist yesterday and he told me he is quitting his practice and moving to a different state. He at least referred me to someone else. This is the 4th doctor in a year that has left their practice. My rheumatologist left about a year ago, the doctor who was treating me for my obstructive sleep apnea left, the surgeon who replaced my shoulder left and now my psychiatrist is leaving. Is it me? So now I am left scrambling to find new doctors and it hasn't been easy. It takes 6 months or more to see a rheumatologist, about 3 months to see the doctor for the sleep apnea, my surgeon told me if I had any problems contact my PCP and like I mentioned the psychiatrist did refer me to someone else.

On the bright side I have only taken two of the gabapentin but they seem to be providing a small amount of relief. I hope once I start taking the full dose it will help even more.
Oh no, I totally feel like that right now... Yesterday, when I was on my way to buy my ticket, the prices went up.... and i mean a lot. Sometimes one can't help but to wonder if it's just bad luck or something else :P Oh well, we shall prevail! I hope you find a decent psychiatrist.
I'm so glad you got something for your fibro pain. I take gabby but it took weeks before I felt a difference. I take it 3 times a day with a double dose early am and go back to sleep because it makes me so drowsy. But I'm greatful it works. And with exception of what I call down time that follows each dose my thinking is even clearer
I know it feels like bad luck but it actually may be good luck, perhaps new doctors will work better for you.blige is so much harder with fibromyalgia, changing one doctor is stressful so changing 4 doctors can be overwhelming for us, we have so many problems and medical history it just feels like a major event every time. But you'll get through it.

Be sure to ask about putting your name on the "cancelation" list. Call the doctors office every week to check. I usually called on Mondays and wend. Aroun 8:30am, it only took 5 weeks to get in to my reumy (that was 3 1/2 months earlier then my apt. Just be persistent, learn the receptionist name and always call her by name and be very polite and explain your just desperate!
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glad the gabby is helping a bit Krista.....does it help you significantly Eyesup?
Well apparently that day that it seemed to be helping was just a fluke. Friday and today were horrible. I have been in severe pain both of those days. I have an appointment on the 15th with a orthopedic surgeon. Hopefully he will be able to help me get some relief from the pain. It is bad, bad, bad.
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