I just can't take it anymore!

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Jan 15, 2014
I just can't take it anymore! Last week out of nowhere, the pain across my upper back was so bad it hurt to breathe because the trigger points were so bad. This was in addition to all the trigger points in my lower back and hips. For 2 days I got absolutely no sleep, so i found a place for a massage. I got a little bit of relief, however by the time i got home,I some new trigger points started on both legs from my ankles all the way up my shins and the insides of my knees. During the week,I went to physical therapy twice to be tortured, left there yet again crying, to get only minimal relief. During the week,I developed several more very painful trigger points on both sides of my ribs, just under ther beats, right were the bra hits. Those have all calmed down, but they are still there.
Yesterday, about noon, my outer left leg, next to the knee, started to ache a little bit. By 4, the pain was so unbearable, I could barely walk or put any weight on it. As usual,I did absolutely nothing that would have caused this. I have tried, to no avail, everything I could to help ease the pain and nothing is working. I have physical therapy today, hopefully that will give me some relief. No one understands what this is like, not even the doctors.
:cry: Aw, debw, I'm so sorry this is so bad for you now. Have you found anything at all that will give even a little relief on your bad flare days like this? Do you have a heated bed mat? (Or I should say have you tried that.)

I hope you're right about PT offering a little relief. And yes, no one knows exactly what it's like (myself included) but there are many people who *care* whether or not they have any way to comprehend the depth of the pain.
Deb, having fibro is very painful. Do you take any kind of medicine for the pain? I have also tried physical therapy and that really helped me. I also have had back massages and that really helped alot. I see you are from Lemont, IL. I don't live too far away from you, I am in Chesterton, IN. How far away are you from Lansing, IL? There is a fibro support group that meets at a hospital near Lansing the last Saturday of the month. I have been wanting to attend but because of the brain fog every morning that I have it is hard for me to get up and get going. I would try a heat mat too...that may help you. Sorry you are in so much pain, try to stay positive.
I take a total of 9 different meds, I've been in PT, this time around, for almost a year, twice a week, with the occasional 2hohr massage thrown in when it's really bad. PT helps a little bit, for a little while and I generally leave there crying and it's utterly exhausting to try and stay relaxed while I'm being tortured. I've had fibromyalgia since before they put a name to it, but spent 10 years trying to get it diagnosed. I've had 2back surgeries and still have the same pain I had before the first one, then add all the other crap involved with this, add to that a husband who only recently started to care, because he was afraid I was leaving him, thats very frustrating because he acts like this is all new.
Anyway, Indiana girl, I would like to meet you, Lansing isn't too far, my Grandparents used to live there. Maybe we should discuss that outside the for?

If you are comfortable, please tell me what meds you are on. I'll tell you a little of what I'm doing so maybe that will help. Indiana gal is right, Fibro is a very painful disease. That being said, if you are on nine meds and are still experiencing that amount of pain, I'm going to posit that you might need to change or tweek those meds a bit. I'm currently on Cymbalta, Lyrica, Tramadol, Meloxicam, and Melatonin. Cymbalta allows me to function like a normal person and helps with all the symptoms of Fibro, not just the pain. It also helps me keep a level head when dealing with pain. The Lyrica as you might know helps with nerve pain, the Tramadol with pain, Meloxicam with inflammation, and Melatonin with sleep. I manage my FIbro very well right now. I was just diagnosed in July 2013, but I've had it for years. I've been going to the pt for almost 2 months at which point I no longer need to and can start to foray into exercise on my own. I haven't had back surgery though. Please let me know what you're doing so I can help.

Also I find anxiety and emotional anguish cause my pain, so therapy and also trying to eliminate the stressors from my life help too.
Hi Deb,
I also have terrrible pain in my upper back (in the area of the bra line). Over the years i have told my GP and Pain Dr about this but no one seemed to be listening.
Finally my Pain Management Dr. asked me more about it, i showed him exactly where it hurt and he told me he was going to give me a trigger point injection, the first time he gave it too me on the right side, it helped for about 3-4 weeks. I went back a later and i told him it helped until we got a weather change then i was in terrible pain again, this time he gave me a injection on both sides. It does not get rid of it completely but it is so much better and the pain now is not so intense now.
i don't know what kind of Dr you see but it is worth asking them about it.
Im take nambutone (anti-inflamatory), gabapentin, baclofen, kadian, dilaudid, ocasionally providgal when i cant stay awake. I was on adderal but that raised my blood pressure, which never went down, so I also take HCT. I had thyroid cancer so I'm also on synthroid. Lets see,, then there is melatonin, because i could take 2 ambien and still be awake for 3 hours. Then there are all the supplements, when I can remember or stand to take another pill. I tried lyrica, it gave me migraines. I tried cymbalta for more than 3 months it did nothing. I've been on at least 6 other anti depressants, each time I would get what ever the most obscure side effect was or they made me feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin. I'm waiting for medical marijuana to get established because I know it works for the pain and hopefully I can stop taking at least some of the pills. That won't be until the fall though. I've done therapy I will never go to another chiropractor. Right now, besides my back, that has hurt since 1998, the trigger points have been unbearably painful for the past year. Some know are the size of a pea, some have been the size of a peach pit, some linger, some come and go
Oh and I've tried dry needling, which caused me to have horrific muscle spasms, that got me my favorite saying. 'I've never seen this before' I've also had trigger point injects, which caused worse muscle spasms than the dry needling. I recently had injections in my lower back, not only is it worse now but I've been getting headaches ever since. and i see a whole host of doctors, pcp, pain, rheumatologist, 2 orthos and my endocrinologist.

Hmm, I would ask your doc about Armour thyroid first, I tried that because I have Hypothryroidism and it helped more than synthroid. Second, sometimes when I'm on all my meds I still have pain and the pain comes from anxiety. If I didn't have my therapist to talk it out with, I'd still be in pain all the time.
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