I dont know what to say ? :(

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New member
Jun 12, 2014
So my chiro said i have fibro. I ha e been to soooo many rhemos and orthos and the last rhemos i went to said this exactly " If ur still in pain this time next year, its most likely fibro" ..he suggested excercise and less sugar.
so here i am.
Feeling happy but sad.
i have all over joint instablility. My ribs pop out, my hips, one is always riding up, my shoulder partically dislocated day before yesturday, my elbows sublux, my knees popp and my ankles hurt so bad. i work 35 hrs a week. im 24. I still live at home with very unstable " parents". i am so frustrated by my limitaions and pain i wonder what hope.i have for a future with my career, my relationships(im single), or my moblility.
anyone got any hope ?
Hey buddy. I know it can seem like it's the end. But believe me it's not. The first steps I would take is changing your diet, I know it seems like a colossal change at first but you should really look into the "Keto Diet" (try google) it was a lifechanger.

Welcome to the forum, and I hope you find happiness :)
Welcome to the forum. I loved the advice hansenlaw gave you, I think it was spot on! I haven't tried that diet yet, but I have seen what a good diet can do for you. Sadly I am addicted to sweet bread and sugar in general, so following a diet is hard. I love desserts.

Don't lose hope! Some have it way worse than us :) Try to focus on your career and the positive things in your life. Wishing you the best of luck, welcome to the forum and keep us posted!
I have the same problem with my joints! And just recently diagnosed with fibro too.
I do have some scoliosis as well. Im not sure if it's just pulling on all my joints or what but my friend with scoliosis has it much worse than me and she doesn't get the pain I have.
I'm 25. I also found out I have displaced discs in my jaw and arthritis in my jaw of a 50 year old. Very worried.

The only thing that's helped so far is high doses of magnesium and avoiding caffeine.
I read about something called 'prolotherapy' for tightening ligaments but I can't afford it while I am out of work.
You could look into it?
Not wanting to second guess doctors or anything but if I hear about joints popping out and being unstable it always makes me think Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or other hyper-mobility causes. I know Ehlers-Danlos can go undiagnosed - and although getting a diagnosis is not good in that it can be cured it obviously helps if the doctors are treating the right chronic problem (and of course fibro can be found with Ehlers-Danlos). If your doctors and health team have already considered this and rejected it I apologise - but if they haven't it might be worth bring it up for consideration.

There is a blog explaining it better at Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Personally my recommendations are that if you want to do anything or take any decision the best thing to do is to make sure that a thorough diagnosis have been done. This is advisable to prevent the popular "Had i know" saying.
Hey buddy. I know it can seem like it's the end. But believe me it's not. The first steps I would take is changing your diet, I know it seems like a colossal change at first but you should really look into the "Keto Diet" (try google) it was a lifechanger.

Welcome to the forum, and I hope you find happiness :)

I agree here, diet makes a huge difference in all aspects in our life and fibro has to be a big motivator to make a change in something we have done all our life.
So my chiro said i have fibro. I ha e been to soooo many rhemos and orthos and the last rhemos i went to said this exactly " If ur still in pain this time next year, its most likely fibro" ..he suggested excercise and less sugar.
so here i am.
Feeling happy but sad.
i have all over joint instablility. My ribs pop out, my hips, one is always riding up, my shoulder partically dislocated day before yesturday, my elbows sublux, my knees popp and my ankles hurt so bad. i work 35 hrs a week. im 24. I still live at home with very unstable " parents". i am so frustrated by my limitaions and pain i wonder what hope.i have for a future with my career, my relationships(im single), or my moblility.
anyone got any hope ?

my advice to you is that proper diagnosis is key and early diagnosis is even better so try as much as possible to very your ailment first and then seek appropriate assistant from a good specialist.
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