I am miserable 😢 New to board

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New member
Feb 23, 2021
Hi everyone. I’ve had fibromyalgia for a long time. I was diagnosed 28 years ago. You would think I’d have a handle on this, but over the past few years, I’ve seemed to just hurt more and more. Right now I take Lexapro , a diuretic for bp, levothyroxine for thyroid. As we live in a state with legal marijuana, I usually take a combination of CBD and TLC in the evenings. It used to help, but doesn’t seem to anymore. I am 5 ft 5 and weigh 162, which is the most I’ve ever weighed but has been stable for the last few years. I walk almost daily. Before the pandemic, I relied on Accupuncture more than I’d realized. I don’t feel comfortable doing that until I am fully vaccinated.
I also have restless legs and sleep apnea and the RLS seems to involve more pain after I get in bed at night. So I’m often awake in pain until 1-2. Lately the pain scares me with it’s intensity. Boring, burning deep pain in my hips, thighs, calves and feet.
I am constantly trying to lose weight without success, partly because I tend to get up and eat carbs at night which seems to finally help me sleep. Because of that, I’m afraid to add on another med that causes weight gain or I’d be asking for amitriptyline since I remember taking it back in the 90s and it did seem to help.
Any thoughts would be helpful. I feel rather desperate. Thank you.
Hi Bambi. and welcome. I wrote all of my best tips for managing fibro in a post that is pinned at the top of the General forum. I hope something there will help you.

I understand the desperation and a lot of other people here will as well. The truth is that if there is anything that will cure this it has not yet been found. That means one of the most important things you can do for yourself is practice acceptance of what is in the moment and work with that. Desperation is only hurting you by increasing the stress in your life, and while you can't just drop it and never feel that way because I say you should, you can do your best to focus on other things. There are many things you can do to help yourself in different ways. If you focus on those things that will help.

I wonder if you could switch those late-night carbs to a different kind of carbohydrate that is not contributing to your weight gain? For instance, potatoes are carbs, and if you kept pre-baked potatoes in your fridge and ate a half of one with a little sale but no butter or sour cream or anything else, that would probably do the same job and would not be high in calories. If you want sweet, try yams or sweet potatoes. There are other things like that you can try. Google: low fat carbohydrate foods for weight loss and see what comes up Good luck to you!
Hay hun,I’ve been getting worse a lot lately .the stiffness is driving me insane,I walk like I’m 90.
It’s breaking me, some of my meds make me super hungry,and cutting out curbs seems impossible,I have no willpower with food.I don’t drink or smoke.food is my vice I guess.if I didn’t feel so insanely hungry I guess cutting out carbs or suger would be great.
I’m writing this in the bath .because my legs hurt so much.all I did was walk the dog.something I do everyday.she maybe be a tiny dog ,but she still needs are walks.
Sometimes it makes u wish you had something worse,so the dr and the world would understand more.
I don’t even get flares anymore I just hurt everyday.
Your not alone .and your welcome to have a bloody good moan.like I just did 😂.
Sry 2 hear that!! I have pain in tissue like legs arms to press on and sittin down in hard chair on my butt. When u say stiffness, do u mean heavy limbs to move? Its what ive had for 8mos and no lettin up. Ughhhh
Stiff as in like u sat down way to long .all the time .it’s got a lot worse since I had the covid jab .my calf’s feel sore to the touch like I’ve been doing squats
Bambi - so sorry you hurt .. fibro pain is unique and cruel in the way that it is so deep and relentless .
I just wanted to share that you are not alone , and that for me, mentally when I say it out loud or write it or tell someone , I’m taking away it’s power and also find I’m not alone in this . I wish for you better days ahead and strength to carry on! And by the way , people who suffer this insane chronic condition are VERY strong people, we mangage to do so much within the confines of our pain 💕take care of you !
I also have restless legs and sleep apnea and the RLS seems to involve more pain after I get in bed at night
I take Mirapex and either Tylenol or Aleve for my RLS. Some nights it's very bad and nothing helps, but these two seem to help most of the time. It's also gotten a little better since I started walking a little.
I take Mirapex and either Tylenol or Aleve for my RLS. Some nights it's very bad and nothing helps, but these two seem to help most of the time. It's also gotten a little better since I started walking a little.
I just want to point out that Bambi, the OP, has not been back to the forums since the day that the first post went up. So, nothing wrong with continuing the conversation here, but if you are wanting to address Bambi, I doubt very much that they will get it.
Hi Bambi. and welcome. I wrote all of my best tips for managing fibro in a post that is pinned at the top of the General forum. I hope something there will help you.

I understand the desperation and a lot of other people here will as well. The truth is that if there is anything that will cure this it has not yet been found. That means one of the most important things you can do for yourself is practice acceptance of what is in the moment and work with that. Desperation is only hurting you by increasing the stress in your life, and while you can't just drop it and never feel that way because I say you should, you can do your best to focus on other things. There are many things you can do to help yourself in different ways. If you focus on those things that will help.

I wonder if you could switch those late-night carbs to a different kind of carbohydrate that is not contributing to your weight gain? For instance, potatoes are carbs, and if you kept pre-baked potatoes in your fridge and ate a half of one with a little sale but no butter or sour cream or anything else, that would probably do the same job and would not be high in calories. If you want sweet, try yams or sweet potatoes. There are other things like that you can try. Google: low fat carbohydrate foods for weight loss and see what comes up Good luck to you!
Hello Bambi!
I have RLS and I take one Levadopa (I am living in Australia) when I am going to bed. I have sleep upnea too using machine the last 10 years. My sleep upnea is very bad I was very sick before started to use the machine. When the RLS bothering really bed, I get up walking around a little bit take another tablet (my doctor said it is Ok) and usually it works. But if I am lazy and not get up and walk a little bit the Restlessnes not goes away. for me a nice warm drink like Milo or little bit a warm milk in middle of the night and a tablet most of the time calming down and te RLS get better.
Hi forgetmenot I was wondering when you’d be on cos I wanted to see how your fur baby was since her knee op?
Hello Bambi!
I have RLS and I take one Levadopa (I am living in Australia) when I am going to bed. I have sleep upnea too using machine the last 10 years. My sleep upnea is very bad I was very sick before started to use the machine. When the RLS bothering really bed, I get up walking around a little bit take another tablet (my doctor said it is Ok) and usually it works. But if I am lazy and not get up and walk a little bit the Restlessnes not goes away. for me a nice warm drink like Milo or little bit a warm milk in middle of the night and a tablet most of the time calming down and te RLS get better.
Hi Edit:
As I pointed out in a post just above yours, Bambi, the OP, has not been back to the forums since the day that the first post went up. So, nothing wrong with continuing the conversation here, but if you are wanting to address Bambi, they will not get your message.
Hey I’m back! Things got better for a while and I want to thank those who gave me advice and tips. Starting in June my left hip started hurting and has gotten really bad. We leave for a delayed trip to Maui in 2 weeks where I plan to snorkel and have fun even if it still hurts. But I’m trying to stay off it some and going to accupuncture every week. My whole body is stirred up. But I did start Gabapentin 209 mg at night in May and that has helped the restless legs some.
200 mg I mean.
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