how much pain do i have to bear

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ain sofiah

Apr 11, 2016
Negeri Sembilan
So, today I went to doctor because I had severe pain in whole body. Especially both legs and arms. Guess what? The doctor said, she cannot diagnose me. I asked her to just send me to the rheumatologist. But she said my symptoms not strong enough to be sent there. Another pain killer received. I'm depressed. How much pain do I need to bear to be diagnosed? I have no money to go to the private hospital.
Hmmm it's hard to get some dr to even listen ,can u find another dr maybe?.or being a bit firmer with your dr.sometimes they need telling not asking.
why do you want the official diagnosis? What pain medicine did they give you?
It's her job to either diagnose you or send you to someone who can. Go over her head if you have to. It is your body, your pain and your right to ask for help. A reumotolgist can test for other things and hopefully rule them out. There are also common blood work up traits we tend to have. Neorolgist should also be considered. This is your health not hers. I don't know about there but in the US DICTORS take an oath "to do no harm". By neglecting you she would be breaking that oath. I have told a doctor this before and she dismissed me so I reported her and she was dismissed shortly after!
I usually don't like making wave and it's a last resort. But you need help. I know it's hard when your tierd and in pain but with out help you may never improve.

sending you a gentle hug and a tissue to dry your eyes. You can get better
I think Eyesupis right - talk to the doctor's manager. The doctor is acting irresponsibly
they're obligated to give you a referral to whomever you ask to see -
why do you want the official diagnosis? What pain medicine did they give you?

I need official diagnosis because I was barred from exam last semester due to bad attendance. I'm not absent for no reasons. The class placed on 3rd floor. And I cannot climb stairs. I felt like dying whenever I reach home from class. I met our dean regarding this. He cannot do anything because all of ground floor classes are fully booked for whole semester. I took 21 credit hours last semester and I failed 2 subjects. I need official diagnosis so people acknowledge my sickness. People say I am lazy, pretending sick and fake.
People saying your pretending your not well are IGNORANT! You will not recieve Grace from them, so hang in there.
Are there any classes you can take on line?
Are there any classes you can take on line?

nope. they don't even allow me to take test via online. and 80% attendance is necessary. one of my lecturer called me and suggesting me to quit study. i feel so sad. it seems like no other way than quitting my study.
I was diagnosed at a pain management center. I would go there, because you ususally don't need a referral.
I have had doctors condescend me and diagnose me with crazy things I don't have. I've had procedures pushed on me that I didn't want. At a certain point I remembered that doctors work for ME and I pay them MY money, so I stand up for myself and if I feel pushed around or looked down upon, I say something. My pain doc said that many docs misdiagnose and don't recognize fibromyalgia but pain doctors are trained to look at the whole pic. I might consider that. Where in the world are you located?
It is critical to have a doctor that believes you and supports you. You will get nowhere with a doc otherwise. It might take some work, but doesn't everything? Key reasons: your doctor needs to understand your condition to treat you correctly, you need the support of your doctor not just for your own mental/emotional health but they are the go-to for disability, FMLA, and the like; if you have the dr you have, they won't sign anything. I understand the importance of receiving a diagnosis. I was a full time school teacher when I first got sick and because the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, I didn't feel like I could take time off because I had no "reason," medically speaking. The day after I was dx, I applied for FMLA leave and didn't feel guilty about it. I was sent to a rheumatologist too, but they didn't dx me. It was my regular doc who was also a OD. Living with this is like living in a never ending circus; I'm always having to jump through hoops. But I didn't give up, and it's paid off. Keep fighting. Don't let yourself be bullied. You need the right treatment. Nothing will change otherwise. Don't give in. Fight like a girl!! That's where the term Fibro Warrior came from! And remember, sometimes when I've been in a doctors office, I felt more qualified than they were!!
All I can say is when I'M in to much pain I smoke a little weed,,,,,it sure helps me,,,not a whole lot just a few tokes,,,,but I don't every day!Like I said that's just me,,,,it calm the nerves and muscles,,,,
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