Hi All. Diagnosed today.

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New member
Apr 1, 2014
Hi. I was just diagnosed today with fibromyalgia. I'm new here and I'm scared, angry, and sad. I'm trying to stay positive and get all the information that I can. My rheumatologist diagnosed me after a whole team of specialists tried. I was given Nortriptyline for my medication along with my regular Norco prescription. I don't see anyone here mentioning Nortriptyline. I asked for Lyrica but he wants this instead. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago officially, although I've had my symptoms since 11/12. I am on Lyrica, and it does seem to help. My orig doctor prescribed gabapentin which did nothing, then lyrica and flexeril for some reason, then dropped my dosage and I went downhill. My new doctor told me I should be on 6x the amount the prev doc had me on and to stop taking the muscle relaxer as it isn't going to do anything for me. I have never heard of Nortriptyline. I understand the sad angry scared part. I was told it never goes away, you must learn to live with it but that the pain part is for the most part treatable/manageable. We'll see once I arrive at the max dosage he wants me to get to...
Muscle relaxers do wonders for me when I'm having spasms; however I take Baclofen for that. I use as needed. It's weird no one takes Nortriptyline? ? I wonder why I'm on it?
The triptyline meds are old school meds. They are tried and true, and it is impressive your Dr has the brains to use something that has been known to help fibro but is discounted/disregarded by many other Dr's.
I have tried amitriptyline (spelling?) also called elavil, unfortunately I had side effects with no relief... My step-grandma has tried a couple of the triptyline meds and had success with one, I forget which unfortunately, and still uses it to this day.
Personally, I'd say your Dr sounds like he's going to think outside of the box for you! Give it a try and I wish you success and no side effects!
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