Help please


New member
Aug 8, 2024
Hi ,i went to docs because all i can describe it as my body shut down for 6 months ,i had fatigue i have never experienced anything like it , i could barely walk it felt like i was being held back ,i had a brain fog I’ve never experienced forgetting where i was going couldn’t even remember my date of birth one day ,so doc mentioned i might have fibromyalgia this was the first time i ever heard of it ,I’m normally a very healthy person.ive been sent for loads of tests for various things and they are all coming back normal apart from a stomach test ,so as I’m researching I find that every one is in intense pain but I am not ,the only pain i have is a horrible pain not all the time in one of m elbows and pins and needles in my hands with cramp,and also shivers down my legs ,but not the intense pain everyone else seems to have ,please can anyone tell me if they have this condition with no intense pain please
Hi. New member here too! I was sick with "exhaustion". However, what the medical community eventually labelled as "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." Mine lasted about 1 1/2 years. I think they call it something else now. After that, I went into Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Back then they decided that FMS was triggered by a trauma, physical or non physical. That took about 6 years to get a diagnosis. As I mentioned to another member, FMS rarely travels alone. So, it's good to get the other tests, for elimination purposes, if nothing else. I know it's tedious too though, waiting.
I am an older "FMer", so some of my terms are different from the new terms. I have lived with FMS for almost 30 years. I too was very healthy, when it all started! When I had cancer 14 years ago, my oncologist, said that I was the "healthiest cancer patient" he had. ☺️ I still am very healthy.
My fibro was dxed by a rheumatologist when checking my elbow pain, which was/is golfer's or tennis elbow. I don't play either sport. This can cause my fingers in that arm/hand to go numb or "to sleep". Most of my cramping is around my ribs and back. Deep breathing helps. Something chronic pain folks forget to do sometimes. Also in my feet, if they get cold.
There is also something they used to call "Fibro bugs". This is when it feels like bugs are crawling down your legs. I think you called them "shivers" and "pins and needles". It has to do with the nerves, I understand. I do not suffer with "intense pain", I never have. I am lucky. You may not have fibro. You might want to consider a referral from the doctor that suggested it, for a rheumatologist. Get a proper diagnosis and ease your mind. I was glad to have a name for what I was experiencing. Then I could get more information.
Thankyou so much for your reply ,I feel as though I’m loosing my mind I know something is wrong but I don’t know what ,and although I’ve been getting lots of tests for memory,bloods,put on antrypoline nothing seems to be working,I have had to convince the doctor for 3 months I have not got depression
put on antrypoline nothing seems to be working,I have had to convince the doctor for 3 months I have not got depression
Amitriptyline is often given for chronic pain; it is not only a medication for depression. If it is not working for you, though, ask your doctor for something else. And explore all of the other things that might be helpful to you as well. Maybe something in this post will be helpful to you....I hope so.

Amitriptyline is often given for chronic pain; it is not only a medication for depression. If it is not working for you, though, ask your doctor for something else. And explore all of the other things that might be helpful to you as well. Maybe something in this post will be helpful to you....I hope so.

Thankyou for your advice ,much appreciated
Thankyou for your advice ,a lot to get on with now ,because after reading so many posts I think I’m going to have a hard slog to get a diagnosis ,it’s the not knowing what sends you mad ,we all know our own bodies and we all know when something is not right ,but thank you again
I find that every one is in intense pain but I am not ,the only pain i have is a horrible pain not all the time in one of m elbows and pins and needles in my hands with cramp,and also shivers down my legs ,but not the intense pain everyone else seems to have ,please can anyone tell me if they have this condition with no intense pain please
Not everyone is the same issues. It’s like everyone has 80% same and 20% different.

But, I would say the coping strategies are very similar. Mild exercise, plenty of water. Eat your greens, ignore ignorance.

( Personal preference, Pray to Jehovah, I got more benefits from this than anything a doctor has said or prescribed).

NB. I haven’t taken pain killers or remedies in 4 years, because of praying. I’ve accepted the pain and moved on from ignorance. Acceptance is paramount.

Look for coping strategies.
Can I please ask are you diagnosed ,I feel as though I have just got better for 2 weeks out of 6 months then yesterday my body shut down again ,I couldn’t walk and I don’t know why it’s not that I have pain in my legs they just won’t walk ,it’s weird ,but I had neck pain which is new .did yours just go away or was it with medication
@Angie123 , to make it easier to get an answer from the person you are asking the question to, it helps a lot to make sure you are addressing them. You can just use their name, or if you first type in the @ symbol and then the first few letters of that person's name, a drop-down menu will appear and you click on that person's name. then, that person will get a notification that someone used their name in a past and they will see what you asked them, and their name will appear in the post in blue, just as yours does in this post.
Can I please ask are you diagnosed ,I feel as though I have just got better for 2 weeks out of 6 months then yesterday my body shut down again ,I couldn’t walk and I don’t know why it’s not that I have pain in my legs they just won’t walk ,it’s weird ,but I had neck pain which is new .did yours just go away or was it with medication
pain in my legs etc. It took me a long time to figure out one thing very important about Fibro that others always ignore or rebuke me for saying so.
Fibro causes 2 things to happens to the body that make it dysfunctional.
1st Water
2nd Food
High water content food should only be eaten. I will not say anymore than that, as people just constantly ridicule the fact it works.
pain in my legs etc. It took me a long time to figure out one thing very important about Fibro that others always ignore or rebuke me for saying so.
Fibro causes 2 things to happens to the body that make it dysfunctional.
1st Water
2nd Food
High water content food should only be eaten. I will not say anymore than that, as people just constantly ridicule the fact it works.
Drinking more water didn't work for me to help with fibromyalgia symptoms. Eating high water content foods makes no difference for me either. These are both some of the things I tried.

This is not ridicule: the fact is that there is, when it comes to fibromyalgia, no one thing that works for everyone, and it's good to keep that in mind.

It's always great to let others know what worked for you, and if someone wants to try it that's great too. It's always encouraged that people let others know what is working for them.

But always keep in mind that just because it works for one person, or for some people, doesn't mean it will work for you or for everyone.

Try everything that appeals to you (if it is healthy!). If it doesn't work, never mind and move on to something else.