Hello pain nation, I'm so glad I'm not alone

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New member
Sep 2, 2015
Hi everyone,
I'm Nada, I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia a week ago.
I was so greatful to finally get a name for this monster that has been ruining my life. I have been doubting myself for a while, thinking that maybe I'm just crazy or had become a hypochondriac.
I have Graves disease and before I was diagnosed with that no one belived me that I was sick, until a goiter developed. I thought I was loosing my mind then too, and if it hadn't been for that experience I don't know if I would have kept fighting for an answer. Thank goodness to know now what is wrong so that I can work on feeling better.
My doctor doesn't seem to know much about fibro. He wants me to see a psychologist for it but I can't afford it. He gave me a perscription for amitriptyline but after three days of taking it I started to feel really itchy all over, breathless, completely unsatisfied and unable to sit still, and really depressed and anxious. So I quit taking it, and called my doctor. He sounded irritated that I quit taking it, he said that I hadn't been taking it long enough to have any effect from it, but I really felt so much worse than I have before. Now once again I'm questioning myself. Was I just having a flare up? Idk. It's so frustrating!
My doc did call in a new prescription for Effoxor but when I went to pick it up today it was $148. I don't have insurance, and I haven't worked in over a year now. There is no way I can afford that every month, and what if I have a bad reaction to that or it doesn't work? I don't have the money to keep buying meds that don't work.
I'm nervous to call my doctor back and tell him I can't afford the meds. I want to just give up, but really I won't.
I'm greatful to have found this place to share this with, to know that others have walked this path before me makes it easier to keep my head up.
Welcome. No one knows your body like u.not even your Dr.if a pill makes u bad it makes u bad.
Do u have a bath tub, as Epsom salts work wonders for a lot of folk .
If your Dr isn't up to speed with Fibro find another. Seeing a psychologist isn't going to help ,your not mentally ill . Ok CBT can help but u need pain meds to help u through the day.i use tramadol.i don't no if that's expensive for u.
I'm sure when cmetryme pops on he will have some good ideas where to go, as his from the states to.x
drop the doc wrong meds wrong everything!

You need to get to a RA right away my spelling sucks and spell check never finds this word but heres a try!

RA in case you didnt know rhumatoligist get a good on if he trys the trigger touch tender point test run very fast!

those are 1980s tests and worthless every person on earth has thousands of those good RAs talk my RA talked a hour

or so and blood pee etc tests finally came back i had fibro chronic fatigue chronic pain my whole life and cant figure

out why i got very severe arthritis symptoms the test were negative yet my hands swelling etc act like rheumatoid!

sorry back to you thats the path you need others on here are more drug info people but what you listed sounded

to me all wrong for this disorder! and a shrink if your paying this with or with out insurance and not medicare?

make it count its expensive and a shrink is not the way to go so you dont wast what money you have instead

of the hit and miss that me and others on medicare can do i would google the crap out of the internet

reviews the doctors profile what the expertise is in a doc with to many in his list personally i say move to the ones

who have one or two like one who only does RA or related you may have to spend on gas and travel but it will be worth

it you can ask on here but the chances of finding someone from or close enough to your area are rare the net is allot

more of a sure bet sometimes you can get ratings on the place the doc works for take your time your in pain!

but stopping your crazy doc and being patient for possible a month of research should pay off! i left my state to

find the right ones even though my regular doc still kinda sucks lol!

take care best wishes want more help feel free to pm
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Nada, First i wanted you to know what the doctor gave you.

this is a very long post sorry. i do believe it will help many folks by me posting this information here.

he is uneducated and has no idea what fibromyalgia is.

he should have given you gabapentin first and a pain medication! he didnt do that at all!

Gabapentin is a blocker. it blocks some of the 1,000's of send pain messages to the brain.
the brain gets over loaded by all the messages and can cause many things like migraines and muscles spasms.

please read my post "what is fibromyalgia" this will educate you on what you have.

What is amitriptyline?

Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant. It affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced.

Amitriptyline is used to treat symptoms of depression.

Amitriptyline may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
some say it helps them to get sleep.

Important information
You should not use this medication if you are allergic to amitriptyline, or if you have recently had a heart attack. Do not use amitriptyline if you have used an MAO inhibitor such as furazolidone (Furoxone), isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam, Zelapar), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) within the past 14 days.

Before taking amitriptyline, tell your doctor if you have used an "SSRI" antidepressant in the past 5 weeks, such as citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem, Symbyax), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), or sertraline (Zoloft).

You may have thoughts about suicide when you first start taking an antidepressant such as amitriptyline, especially if you are younger than 24 years old. Your doctor will need to check you at regular visits for at least the first 12 weeks of treatment.

Amitriptyline side effects
Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction to amitriptyline: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

you had these side effects!

he said that I hadn't been taking it long enough to have any effect from it.

As i have very bad reactions to the drugs. i can tell you, you were on it long enough.
my reaction is instant. i take the pill and in minutes i pass out and hit the floor and usually break my rib when i fall.
this drug i had a reaction too right away!

new prescription for Effoxor but when I went to pick it up today it was $148.

i'd like to advise you that you can pick up at the pharmacy only a few pills. you do not need to get the full prescription.
this will cost less and you can try any meds before getting the full number of pills. just what you can afford.

What is Effexor?
Effexor (venlafaxine) is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs). Venlafaxine affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression.

Effexor is used to treat major depressive disorder, anxiety, and panic disorder.

What is norepinephrine?
Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline. It works by constricting (narrowing) the blood vessels and increasing blood pressure and blood glucose (sugar) levels.

Norepinephrine is used to treat life-threatening low blood pressure (hypotension) that can occur with certain medical conditions or surgical procedures. This medication is often used during CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation).

For me, im allergic to this! this can kill me if i take a high dose like if im having a heart attack.
according to 4 of my doctors, if they give me this shot at the hospital, my heart will explode!
im told to never go to a hospital if i have chest pains as they will use this shot even if i tell them im allergic to it.

FYI: this drug is used in many drugs to give the meds a shelf life. it is man made. NOT the same as the adrenaline
that our body produces.

Was I just having a flare up?

you may have been in a flare up. the doctor gave you nothing to help you for the flare ups.
there are ways to reduce the pains from the flare ups read the posts and learn some techniques to help you.

I'm nervous to call my doctor back and tell him I can't afford the meds. I want to just give up

we are here to help you. you dont need to give up. there are things we can teach you to help.

Call the doctor and ask for the fibro meds like gabapentin. your are in control of your treatment plan. not the doctor. he is a partner.

befriend us and private message us if you need support.
So I've been on citalopram and I was on it when I started the amitryptaline, he told me to take them both. Maybe that was why I had such a bad reaction?
Thank you all for the replies. I'm frustrated and grateful at the same time and I'm in tears reading them. I'm so greatful for all of you. Im searching for a new doctor now.
I did get suicidal on the amitriptyline, aside from litterally feeling that I needed to peel my skin off. It was horrible. I told my doc that but he still thought I should have given it more time. I kinda want to email him a link to this thread. He's young and obviously new to being a doctor.
sorry to here

you feel suicidal you pm any of us right away you have bad med reactions pm me or others right away!

we can walk you through it and just be there for you!

take care good luck your not alone

as grouchy said you dont want to do that. we have all been there.

emailing him a link he will not come here im sure.

you need the right meds for the fibro.

we can help you get through the pains.
The feeling your getting may also be a sign of an allergic reaction to the medication. Such an intolerance can cause weird creepy feelings or even feelings of being high as a kite. Please speak to your doctor again about your medication. It may be that your dose level is too high.

Let us know how you are doing. Okay? :)
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