Head cold

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New member
Mar 6, 2024
Hi, I'm new to the group and was newly duel diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and degenerative rheumatoid arthritis about ten months ago. Needless to say, it's been a steep learning curve. Just wondering, when you have an episode, do you feel like you are rotten with the cold? Snotty nose, heavy eyes, heavy head and general exhaustion? I'm trying to navigate my new situation and it's challenging. I'm used to being active and a doer, but when I do feel semi ok,I tend to push myself. I haven't learned to pace myself and ultimately burn myself out for the next few days! I was already registered disabled due to acute brittle asthma and COPD and this complicates treatments that I can take. I cannot take anti inflamatories or NAIDS and am only on Hydroxycholoquine atm. This new diagnosis has hit me hard. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Shrub, and welcome.
I personally do not feel head cold sorts of symptoms, but perhaps others here will tell you if they do. It is not a symptom that is commonly associated with fibromyalgia. Have you discussed this with your doctor? It may be something that is not actually caused by the fibro at all, and could be treatable.

For those of us who are used to being very active, and this is pretty common with people who develop fibromyalgia, it is definitely a challenge to make the adjustment to pacing ourselves. I have noticed that most people take time to make that adjustment, and it is learned through experience: If you push yourself you will pay for it for the next X number of days, and eventually this sinks in and we learn not to push. The faster you learn this the better, but it is fully understandable that it takes a little time.

Most people with fibro report that the pain medications generally prescribed for treatment have little to no effect, unfortunately, so don't feel too discouraged that you are not able to try most of them. What you can do is your own experimentation to discover the most important things about your own personal fibromyalgia. I say this because we tend to be all so different that no one can tell you that any one thing, whether medication, supplement, or action, will work for you even if it worked for them.

Finding the things that trigger a flare and avoiding them, reducing all stress - of all kinds - in your life, pacing yourself, eating the healthiest diet possible (and what constitutes a healthy diet is very individual and can vary from a carnivore diet to vegan), and doing what you can to maintain a positive mind are all things that can help.

I wrote a post about this, and suggest you read it.
We are all here to help each other, so feel free to ask questions or even just to vent if you want or need to.
rotten with the cold? Snotty nose, heavy eyes, heavy head and general exhaustion
Hi, I get similar symptoms from histamine / post vac long covid / MCAS... (plus a nauseous frontal sinus headache). Got it under control from avoiding histamine foods and strangely my antihistamine med.
Hi Shrub, sounds like you are dealing with a lot. I can tell you that when I am having nerve pain in my head, it hurts, feels heavy, eyes hurt, and I get a plugged up nose. It’s not much fun, but for me, my muscle relaxer helps me tremendously.

Also, I used to be extremely active and had to close that chapter of my life and create a new way of exercising, enjoying life. It has been a challenge and I have shed many tears. I, too, will do too much and it will set me back days. I feel like I am a slow learner.
Here are some examples: no longer can walk on hard surfaces, so I use an elliptical. I do low impact aerobics and gentle strength training and lots of stretching. I used to workout 5/6 days a week, now two or three times a week and sometimes less.
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