Having terrible pain

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New member
Nov 11, 2017
Hello Every one
happy I found this website looking forward to learning more about fibromyalgia pain
and helping others who have question>
Hello Luann,
Welcome! I am fairly new to the website, too.I've only been diagnosed for about 3 weeks. I've been fortunate in that my symptoms have been on the lighter side for the past few years and maybe that is one reason it took so long to diagnose. However, I fell in my house about 10 days ago. I didn't hit anything on my way down but fell hard on my right side. The pain has been pretty bad so I went to see my doctor 3 days ago. I thought maybe I had broken or bruised a rib or two. The doctor thought maybe I had bruised some cartilage. Before the fall I had been having pain under my ribs on both sides, mostly on the right. It feels like the same pain only worse. She,the doc, told me to take 600 mg of Ibuprofen every 6 hours. It hasn't helped much at all. I think the fall just precipitated the original pain. Frustrated!!
It sounds like you bruised your ribs,and unfortunately they take a while to heal.

You might try a hot water bottle or heating pad,to help relieve some of the pain,but you also may need a stronger pain reliever than ibuprofen.

I have had the rib pain you speak of before your fall,and the only relief I got was from opiates.

If you have not used them before you may ask the pharmacist to give you the ibuprofen with codeine added.

I would have thought the doctor treating you would have offered you something appropriate.Their are not many non-prescription pain meds that are effective for sharp and constant pain.

You will have to protect and nurse the area for five or six weeks to get back to normal.

Though I wish I could say normal is pain free,but hopefully it will migrate out of your ribs!
Thank you. I will ask the doctor about Ibuprofen with codeine. The pharmacy here would just send me back to the doctor.
Welcome Luann!

I hope this forum helps you. Enjoy reading some of the older threads and posts so you get to find some really helpful answers on topics that interest you.

Ask as many questions as you like. Lots of friends here who understand our struggles.
Hey Karen44,

Sorry to hear you had a fall and hurt yourself. Rib pain can be tough. Maybe Lubkos is right....you might need something a little stronger if the ibuprofen hasn't helped.

As much as it's painful, remember to take deep breaths to avoid lung problems from shallow breathing. I hope you make a quick recovery. x
Do you have a wrap, like a corsit of sorts? I got desperate enough to buy one at walmart. I went through rib pain, its disableing. I paid 30.00 for mine, it was worth the tab. I could not had made a long road trip without it.
Thank you for the welcome, I need help starting a thread, I just cannot figure out how to do
Thanks in advance
I am happy to say my pain is tolerable today. My doctor started me on Lyrica and finally kicked in !! I was even able to go to work!!
I know pain is terrible I hope you are feeling better and I hope your Doctor gave you something stronger to help with your pain
I'm glad you feel well enough to be up and about today!
K. :-)
It hurts too much to wear a bra but I'll try a wrap.
Welcome here Luann, :smile:
Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you’re better soon!!
Hi Missy,
Thank you. Last night was the first night that I could sleep semi on my back. I did sleep better. Yea! :-)
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