Have crohns and fibromyalgia


New member
Aug 11, 2024
Hello everyone, I am new here. I was diagnosed 5 months ago and was wondering if anyone else had crohns disease and fibromyalgia. I have been in a lot of pain and under a lot of stress do to having both, because is hard to find the right diet and treatment plan to help with my symptoms. Is there anyone out there dealing with the same thing as I am or have advice on how to cope?
Hi, Ayame. I have not been DX with Crohn's, but good God, I have been to the ER 7 times in one month due to extreme bloating/swelling of my stomach to where I look 8 months prego. Extremely painful! ONLY HAPPENS WHEN I EAT FOOD. No vomiting, no fever, no gas eekin' out but within 5 -30 minutes after eating any food type, I have to run to the bathroom (quickly!!) and it continues ALLLLLL DAY at least up to 12x per day! I'm at the point where I do not want to eat anything as I am no good to anyone after I eat. I have a GI appt tomorrow afternoon, so we'll see what happens. I hope you have a GI doctor and I sure hope you'll be ok! :)