Have a question about the length of eposides

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New member
Jan 9, 2018
New Mexico
I fit the description of fibromyalgia but one thing the length of time I have symptoms.

I keep reading 3 months or more. Is that consent or can it be off and on?

I have good days and bad days. I can have couple of good days and then have a couple of bad days. I can wake up feeling good but by the end day I can barley move. Or I can wake up having bad day and feel good as the day progress. This has been going on since October.

I keep being told it's depression but I am 42 and have depression as long as can remember and I have never felt like this.

Could it be fibromyalgia with inconsistent good days and bad days?

I have had a lot more bad days then good days since October
I just want say thank you to all those help answer some questions.... Oh wait....

I guess this another form where you have to be part of clique to get any answer

Just delete my post
Oh dear no not at all sorry KathyMc....it has been very very quiet on here lately..i am a regular but not been well to log in much.

Yes it is possible that is a pattern with fibro.....usually the more you do the worse you feel but its also very random and like you say a good morning can turn into a terrible afternoon and vice versa.

Stress can also exacerbate symptoms. The key as far as possible is when you feel good to remember to not do the amount you would normally do....we call it pacing.

Flares can be a day a week a month many months or years..and for some they have regular more prone pain areas that flare..others its more wide spread....plus a whole host of other symptoms that vary from person to person

I would suggest you ask to see a rheumatologist who can rule out other possible causes and give you a diagnosis.

Please ask anything you want and we in turn would love your input.

usually you get the best/quickest responses on the general thread section.

But like i said sometimes the forum is super busy then it has lulls ..you happen to have posted during a lull.

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