Gone for a while, back with big news...

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Active member
Mar 12, 2013
So, I was put on Savella about a month and a half ago. That along with Gabapentin and Valium and Celexa seemed to be lessening some of the pain...
2 weeks ago I was drastically taken off of EVERYTHING when I found out I am pregnant. I am about 6 weeks along now and in the worst pain I have ever had in my life.
It feels like the Fibro pain has been magnified to a very high degree, I do not know if it is due to the lack of medications or the hormones, or perhaps both.

Any suggestions on what I can bring up to my Dr that is safe to take during pregnancy?

How do I know what is the pregnancy and what is the Fibro?

On top of the fibro I have a blood clotting disorder and hypothyroidism, so I am on Blood Thinning shots and thyroid medication. Crossing my fingers for a healthy baby and safe pregnancy for me... This is the most scared I have ever been, in my entire life. Days like today it feels like I can't even be excited about the baby, because I am feeling so miserable. My upper back/neck feels like it is so heavy from muscle tension that if i put a hat on or wash my hair my head will roll off of my shoulders and fall to the ground...
Having never been pregnant, I can't comment on that other than I hope all goes well and you have a beautiful baby. As for safe things you can do to reduce your muscle tension, I can suggest a few things. If you don't have one already try and get a fiber or feather, or foam mattress pad that is about 3-4 inches thick. Lay this on top of your regular mattress and then cover over with sheets. You might need a bigger bottom sheet so it will cover and tuck in like they are suppose to. That will help your muscles relax better. Use two pillows instead of one. Another thing that helps to relax muscles is bathing in warm water with a cup of epson salt in the water. If you sleep better you will have less muscle tension.

Next try to relax more. Stress makes your muscles tense, and as you know our muscles don't relax like most folks do. Take more time to get things done, by not cramming to many things into one day. I am not saying to become a lazy couch potato, lol but try to make your life simplier and less demanding. It will make a huge difference in your painful areas.

Try in those relaxing times to think good thoughts about your babe, good loving thoughts. Do some crafts and create things for the new babies room. Happy thoughts take your mind off painful thoughts.

Keep coming here and we will try to help with any problems that you need someone to listen too, and offer you in return encouragement. :)
Congratulations! I hope all goes well, but I can't really offer anything aside of perhaps getting your significant other to provide (very gentle!) back rubs and feet massages as often as you can tolerate them.
Congratulations, I hope all goes well. The only thing I can say is do the things you need to do in short bursts, slow ones :) and rest in between. This is the only way I can get everything done and i'm no pregant. I find heat wheat packs are good, I wish they made body sized ones, a heat wheat onesy would be great, they really help me when my neck and shoulders are cramping up and I find the heat very soothing. I wish you all the best and I am sure you will have a happy healthy baby. :)
So, I was put on Savella about a month and a half ago. That along with Gabapentin and Valium and Celexa seemed to be lessening some of the pain...
2 weeks ago I was drastically taken off of EVERYTHING when I found out I am pregnant. I am about 6 weeks along now and in the worst pain I have ever had in my life.
It feels like the Fibro pain has been magnified to a very high degree, I do not know if it is due to the lack of medications or the hormones, or perhaps both.

Any suggestions on what I can bring up to my Dr that is safe to take during pregnancy?

How do I know what is the pregnancy and what is the Fibro?

On top of the fibro I have a blood clotting disorder and hypothyroidism, so I am on Blood Thinning shots and thyroid medication. Crossing my fingers for a healthy baby and safe pregnancy for me... This is the most scared I have ever been, in my entire life. Days like today it feels like I can't even be excited about the baby, because I am feeling so miserable. My upper back/neck feels like it is so heavy from muscle tension that if i put a hat on or wash my hair my head will roll off of my shoulders and fall to the ground...
Oh how I know what ur going through. I Have 4 kids but 3 of them was before fibro. My 4th, I just turned 40 and had fibro. I was taken off all my meds including vicodin. And let me tell u it was my worst pregnancy.....to top it off i also had gestational diabetes. Im underweight so I guess my age played a major role. I was basically bedridden my entire pregnancy. Pain was awful....exhausted all the time....nausea n dizziness. Im new to the forum and saw ur post and had to.respond. If u need to talk im here. My little one.is now.4 and I have to.say she was worth all the pain.....but when I was pregnant I wasn't a happy mommy to be.
Oh Suadela, what a bittersweet thing for you! The joy of a new life starting at the same time the increased pain starts because of the lack of your meds. :-( I'm not sure which part of it to respond to, so I'll just say I'm happy to hear of your upcoming son or daughter... and I'm very sorry to hear that your pain is so intense now. I hope it's a fast nine months for you.
Thank you everyone:) I am trying to take it all in still, doing things slower and be less stressed. I didn't realize how much different this was going to be compared to my last!
Taking everything slower and reducing stress whenever and wherever you can sounds like a great start to this journey... you go! Have you asked your doctor when you can get back on your medications? More precisely, if you plan to breast feed, will you have to stay off of it pretty much longer than the 9 months? If that's the case, do you think you'd formula-feed?
My SO and I have discussed it and we feel it is better to formula-feed in our situation because me without my meds makes it harder for me to care for the baby. So, I can start back on the Celexa after the first trimester, then back on the others after delivery. I will have an emergency supply of valium after the first trimester as well. He will be applying for paternity leave to help for a couple weeks as well.
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