Glad to Find This Group


New member
Jun 26, 2024
Hello All. As a 77 year old diagnosed 25 years ago I’m hoping to find commonality with younger and older members. I’m not particularly tech savvy so it may take me a few tries to become even reasonably active. I’ll spend some time over the next few days exploring the site.
Hi @Gracey

Just wanted to say hello and welcome. There really are a mix of ages and even nationalities on here with lots of advice and crucially understanding and support.

Had to laugh, on gp told me people grow out of fibromyalgia when they reach their 70s? Seriously?? Obviously so not the case.
nice to have you here
Hi Gracie! I just signed on to this group for the first time today. I’m desperate. I too was diagnosed at 50, and I’m 72 now. My symptoms have gotten SO much worse over the past year or 2. I remember my kind primary care doctor telling me, “fibromyalgia is neither progressive nor fatal”. That stuck in my mind for YEARS because some days are just not fun. But lately….it seems worse. I am going to explore the forum today and get used to it. But you are the first contact I’ve made. Dawn
But lately….it seems worse.
I'm not a medical professional. But my opinion is that as we age our symptoms are going to seem worse, but that's not because fibromyalgia is progressive. More likely to be simply because we are aging, and so everything in the body is starting to wear out and things will affect us more. For instance, it takes longer to heal from an injury when you are older. To me, it just means it's more important than ever to be in touch with my body and to try my best to take care of it. And some days/weeks I do better at that than others.
Hi @Gracey

If you want to reply to a specific person, so like I have with your user name ( @BlueBells😍 showed me this when I joined - a great tip)

just type @ then (don't leave a gap) but immediately start typing the user name of that person. A little box comes up on page with their full name, so you can tap that - it helps to save tired fingers from typing too much!