I think what strikes me when I look into autoimmune diseases, is how often people seem to have more than one condition going on. The second thought (and fibromyalgia whilst not known to be autoimmune falls into this category) of how many symptoms overlap.
I lack the blood markers of inflammatory arthritis, ( known as seronegative) but have a formal diagnosis based on examinations, x-rays and scans. So I may never actually have a more detailed 'name' for my exact inflammatory arthritis. I can also match you with the Raynauds, and also hypothyroidism. And osteoarthritis too. So I know the feeling of being treated for something when there may not be an accurate comprehensive diagnosis.
Whilst in no way an expert in medical matters, so I can never advise as such, just share experiences and knowledge following research, but I am surprised that your consultant does not seem to consider you having autoimmune disease yet you have the markers suggesting you do.
The hyrdroxy ( i shorten med names, can never quite recall the correct spellings!) is part of the dmard group of medications, or Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic drugs. I believe they can be used for connective tissue diseases as well though.
The symptoms you describe definitely rings bells with me, in the arthritis and fibro sides.
Am not sure inflammation \swelling is generally a fibromyalgia symptom? So that may confirm your thoughts something else is running alongside the fibro.
My rheumatologist dept will prescribe steroids to help with inflammation flares from the arthritis. But the hydroxy is designed to lower the immune system which will help inflammation to reduce, helping to stop our immune systems from continuing to attack our bodies. I also inject Methotrexate, another dmard medication.
I also take amitriptyline which has helped with the fibromyalgia nerve pains. Its hard to know of the hydroxy has effect on the fibro side as I started this much the same time as the amitriptyline.
But the hydroxy has indeed helped with the inflammatory arthritis side of things.
The methotrexate wasnt doing enough to help on its own, hence hydroxy was added alongside in October '24 and I would say it did take about 4-6 weeks before I felt an improvement.
Of course we all react differently to meds, some work and some dont as you have seen in the past yourself. I sincerely hope the hydroxy does indeed help with many of your symptoms.
I seem to be having too many flares of symptoms so am seeing the rheumatologist consultant next month to discuss the disease progression and meds. Unfortunately, for My own experience,in the UK hospital I attend the rheumatologist will not discuss either the osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. Which is a total pain given the impact each condition can have on another.
Let us know how you get on.... And sorry for long reply! I always seem to have a lot to say!