frustrated with weight gain

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New member
Mar 17, 2015
I am new to this whole fibromyalgia life. I have been on Cymbalta 60 for about 6 months now. I was also on Amitriptyline for 4 months. I have also put on about 40 pounds in those 4 months. I am a healthy eater, I was not exercising as I did in the past due to trying to figure out what is good and what isn't. But this weight gain is just out of control and freaking me out. I stopped the Amitriptyline last week so I have been off for one week. I am wondering has anyone else had weight gain and is it possible to get it off? I called the Dr. and asked to stop the Amitriptyline as soon as I realized the side effects. I do have Hypothyroid also and have been on medication for that for 15 years and they have tested my blood A LOT lately and it comes back looking ok. Any ideas? I am getting desperate!:-(
Hello Hilsstuff, glad you found your way here.

The only thing that works for me is low-carb eating. My body always responds to it. I can eat as much as I want, just the right stuff, so no dealing with hunger. Also after being on it awhile--2 weeks?--The cravings and volume that I eat goes way down.

I'm sure others have their own ways to keep it down. But that is why I refused Lyrica, I knew I'd gain weight on it. I struggle with it too much to be shoved off the cliff!
As a bonus, I also have fewer headaches/migraines when low-carbing.
Hilsstuff, welcome to the site.

I have chronic bronchitis and they treat me every time with steroids. seem every few months i have those treatments and i gain 10 lbs each time.
i've now put on 40 lbs. its a choice you have to make. when mine comes off, the meds put it back on. a cycle of madness.

You need to chose feel good and gain weight and feel bad and lose weight.

Ruralchick gave good advise and made her choice on the meds.
keep trying to lose, you can do this!
I'll second Ruralchick. Diet, diet, diet. Cut out the white in your diet....bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. Try more complex carbs if you eat carbs; they are also better if you have high glucose levels. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Cut empty calories and processed foods. I gained 15 pounds and managed to plateau. I've always eaten healthy, but I have cut my carbs this past month and have lost 3 pounds. I'm hoping that when the weather turns warm that I can walk again. The winter has been tough on any cardio. Stretching and gentle yoga help. And, as weird as it sounds, walking in place in my toasty living room. For me it was a choice between weight gain and decreasing pain from 8-9 to 5-6. If I can get the weight back off, I'll be thrilled.
I read your post several times in case I missed something. My question to you is you had no issues stopping the Amitrylpine cold turkey?
I was on 1 and 1/2 pills at bedtime and started by reducing the half pill this week. I was afraid to just stop at that high dose. I met with my GP this week and he seemed alarmed that my Rhemo. dr. Has me in such a high dose. I also asked him of all my mess which one causes the DRY mouth and issues with my bowels and he said most likely it was the Amitripline.

Would Grealy Aapreciate a reply when you can.
Hi hi and welcome. Amitriptyline being a tricycle antidepressant (TCA) is notorious for weight gain. My pain specialist added this as an adjuvant to makes my opiates work better. I have been a size 30-32 all my life and stopped Amitriptyline after about a week and a half. In Australia it's marketed as Endep. I have had no issues with depression in my life and really don't need a TCA. Yeah it will make you tired for sleep but so will other meds.

Drew :)
Oh the amnitriptolane causing weight gain? I have heard 30 to 40 lbs is average weight gain with fibro. I went off of lyrica and that helped take off about 5 lbs. But I'm still gaining.Ive Never had this problem, I' want to go to a nature path Dr. But I don't have cash.,
sorry folks Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant, not an antidepressant for a tricycle re: my last post

My experience was 4kg in 4 days. Just water weight not fat

Drew ;)
I'm on a combo of CYmbalta and Lyrica. For me the Cymbalta started the weight gain. I've gained about 25 pounds but finally plateau'ed after 9 months. Like my doc said - it's benefits vs downside. The combo has helped me a lot with fatigue and pain, so it's worth it. My PCP is ok with the extra weight since everything else (blood pressure, cholesterol, iron, etc) are all coming back normal. I've been gluten free for a while due to other issues, but I do try to eat more fruits and veggies and smaller quantities as well as get into an exercise regimen I can manage. Slow and steady will win the race.
I was on Cymbalta and Gabapentin. Quit the Cymbalta as it was causing tons of side effects including some pretty negative thoughts. I'm known for being a very positive person. I found both drugs caused carb cravings. I was able to keep my weight down by using a food journal-tracking everything that went in my mouth. I also used the pick 3 method for meals ensuring every time I ate I had a protein, carb (no white/processed), and a healthy fat. I stuck to small meals (I still use a desert plate as my dinner plate) and snacks. I had 6 of these mini meals in a day, and did not eat after 6:30pm. I ate my meals at set times. I was able to keep my weight down for over 2 years this way. Yoga also helped as it seems to calm food cravings-you just don't feel much like eating after a calming yoga class. Yoga was my only exercise besides walking.

Hope something from this list may help you.

Once you give in to carbs it's hard to stop, they increase your "hunger" for more carbs throughout the day. A good protein packed breakfast on the other hand can control your appetite better for the rest of the day.
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