FM - so rapid?

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Jun 12, 2015
It all started with one month with full stress. no sleep I, woke up with anxiety every day and bad dreams. I used to sleep 14 hours a day. The last 15 days I can sleep only 5-6 hours with drugs. I wake up and feel like I was working all day, have no energy. have pain in differend places in my body.
The First doctor i visited told me about fibromyalgia.
My mind is going crazy. Im 44 and afraid of the future.
Can any one tell me how usually the desease will evolve ?
Must i visit reumatologist or neurologician.

t.y. zikos
Everyone is different. I was diagnosed in July of last year. The two years previous I went down hill fast. In Florida I had a family doc, a rheumatologist, and neurologist. I am back in Indiana and luckily my doctor here treats fibro. She will send me to a rheumi if I want, but for now I will stick with her. I do need to see a neurologist because I have chronic hydrocephalus and he needs to keep an eye on that. Different things will make your fibro worse and some days you might not want to even get out of bed. I started a new job here and I am putting in 10-11 hour days and 45 minutes drive time one way and it is killing me. I believe it does progress and that I have had it for at least 15 years if not longer, but it got a lot worse in the last three years. I am 47 and believe me I have considered contacting disability but I need to quit working first. My fear is that one day I will be driving and I will get into an accident. I have been having dreams about that. Take things one day at a time, keep moving even if it just a walk around the block a couple of times. Take a few minutes to re-group when you are feeling over whelmed and tell your self it is ok to have the feelings you are having. Do you have any support through family members? Talk with people on this sight and read other post. This sight is really helpful.
Welcome. Fibro can start off slow or hit u like a hammer.
If your Dr thinks that's what u have u need to get bloods done first to rule out anything else.
My dr told me I had fibro, u don't always need to see rumys or other Drs.once your told u do have it then u need pain pills and something to help u sleep. Not sleeping pills they won't help at all in the long run.
It's a long hard road of learning what u can and can't do. U can't beat fibro but u can live with it.xx
how may hours can anybody with fm sleep? I use 10mg olanzapine and 1mg xanax and sleep only 4-5 hours...
Sleep is an issue with fibromyalgia. Spend as much as you can on a good bed. I have a memory foam topped with a feather topper and it has made a huge difference in my sleep. I still wake a couple times a night but I can usually get comfortable again and cobble together 7 hours. This has helped with daytime pain and fatigue. I take trazadone and Tylenol pm at night along with Tramadol. I usually take a hot shower and do some gentle yoga, followed by meditation. Some use heating pads, but I don't often as it sends me into hot flashes and waves of perspiration. On days or nights when I am in major pain, nothing works. It will take me days to get back to normal sleep and normal pain.
Sleep is an issue with fibromyalgia. Spend as much as you can on a good bed. I have a memory foam topped with a feather topper and it has made a huge difference in my sleep. I still wake a couple times a night but I can usually get comfortable again and cobble together 7 hours. This has helped with daytime pain and fatigue. I take trazadone and Tylenol pm at night along with Tramadol. I usually take a hot shower and do some gentle yoga, followed by meditation. Some use heating pads, but I don't often as it sends me into hot flashes and waves of perspiration. On days or nights when I am in major pain, nothing works. It will take me days to get back to normal sleep and normal pain.

can u tell me more about the memory foam? is it every day.
how has FM changed your life?
Has your Dr. Suggested Amnitriptolane? It was an old Ani depression pill, it's suggested for many fibro sufferers, talk carefully about side effects. Weight gain and weight loss can be an issue. I know friends who love it.
Good luck, one day at a time.
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I'm on amitripoline .100 mg helps me sleep and does control the pain some what
I found the golden pill for sleep, Amnitriptolane, once at night I'm out,,,for at least 8 hrs. In the am I take Cymbalta
Unfortunately I'm back to sleep shortly after. The meds are not the perfect answer, but from what I hear with Chronic pain, It's very important to sleep, for your body to recover
There's no one golden answer, ya just have to go after things on your own, ask your gp, if he could try this for you.. side effects, so check them out and weigh your options. I sleep well, but Then again I read that lyrica and amnitriptolane can cause weight gain.
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