Five trips to ER this week with my hubby. Exhausted!

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Senior member
Aug 12, 2013
My sweet guy who is disabled so mostly understands my challenges got knocked low this week with an unrelenting bout of Cyclic Vomiting. Since we are back in Maine, it took 5 trips to the ER before one contacted docs in WA and found out that I did know the treatment protocol that works. Aaarrrrrgh. And you know where I am. In major flare land from no meaningful sleep and medical nightmare stress. The arrogance of some docs is amazing. Thank goodness for Dr. Christian and his kindness. But man oh man, did I want to curl up on that gurney. Highlight of this day was my bed, some sun, and a charming one year old granddaughter who stopped by to snuggle.
Hi there! Glad to hear you guys are doing better now! I'm sorry for your guy, but it's great you are always there for him and he is always there for you! It's so important to have by your side someone who really understands! By the way, I've also had bad experiences with doctors, finding a good doctor nowadays is even harder than finding the needle in the haystack.

Best of luck with everything!
How's hubby doing now, Loftpat? Was this last week a better one than the week you wrote about? And has your flare calmed down by now?
How's hubby doing now, Loftpat? Was this last week a better one than the week you wrote about? And has your flare calmed down by now?

We are still struggling with docs here. We were back in the ER this week. Twice in one day with a visit to primary care in the middle. Can't get his new primary care doc to understand that meds to avert episodes do no good until the cycle is broken. He's still sick, but keeping the worst at bay. I'm tired and I hurt. Hoping tomorrow brings some sun and less pain all around.
How's hubby doing now, Loftpat? Was this last week a better one than the week you wrote about? And has your flare calmed down by now?

Oops, hit reply too quickly. Thanks for asking, Mariposa. :p
Wow, I'm sorry that you had to spend your week with so many trips to the ER. I'm glad to hear that the worst is being kept at bay and hopefully he will be feeling a lot better soon. I thought our one trip to the ER last week was too much.
Ugh, being stressed about a love one does not do you any good. I hope you and him are getting some relief.

As for doctors, I've learned the hard way that you don't let them know you've diagnosed the issue yourself. Some really seem to find that insulting. I suppose since they've spent a good deal of money to go to medical school they figure us minions have no idea what's going on. I've given up trying to tell them oral antibiotics don't work on me and I need IV ones. So I go home with the orals and come back a couple days later worse.

Sorry you're having to go through all this. :(
Can't get his new primary care doc to understand that meds to avert episodes do no good until the cycle is broken. He's still sick, but keeping the worst at bay. I'm tired and I hurt. Hoping tomorrow brings some sun and less pain all around.

:( Sorry to hear that things weren't better yet when you wrote this. Is there a choice whether or not to stick with this new doc? I mean are you able to choose your own doc? (I know that the "new rules" with Obamacare have caused a nightmarish headache for a lot of people when it comes to things like that.)

In any case, maybe this doc isn't the best match. There are many who *will* listen to thoughts and concerns of the patient.
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