Fighting it

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New member
Jun 26, 2015
Diagnosed a little while ago but still fighting to accept it. This level of disabling pain and fatigue just doesn't fit my picture of me. I keep thinking it will go away soon or I will get a magic pill and I will jump back into life. I am really resenting it. I don't want to accept it because then it is locked in and real. Did you all go through this? Will I pass through and graciously accept it. I sure do t want to stay this cranky no one else seems to get it. My partner just wants to jolly me out of it and does things like buy concert tickets when I just want to take painkillers and lie down.
End of rant.
Well it takes a while to come to terms with this . Is so nasty it makes anyone wish they could wish it away .
But u will start to learn to cope.ignorants isn't always bless. Get your other half to read up on what u have x
I love it! Your partner just wants to jolly you out of it. I'm Scottish, Irish, and had an Aunt who lived in England. Love the accent. I have personally choose to pick the top 3 things I can get done. Before Hitting the wall. I'm sure afraid I may end up divorced, my husband runs a marithon, never stops, and for some strange reason, Now that I'm sick, he's constantly asking me to go here and there, I just can't keep up, I can relaite to so many who feel like there 80. My husband started in about oh 5 yrs ago, before I knew I had Fibro, he would squeal I'm not 80! And neither should you be. He's convinced that it's me being lazy, even though a friend of his wife been diagnosed. He filled my husband in about fibormialga.
I had a friend who got cancer, she had her months limited, her boyfriend wanted to marry her anyway! TO me............... (that's love).
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