Fibromyalgia treatment analysis survey: Help us learn from your experience!

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New member
Feb 25, 2023

My name is Bamdad, and I am a second-year undergraduate student at Orange Coast College currently conducting a research project on fibromyalgia, and in my project, I hope to analyze the different types of symptom-control methods for fibromyalgia and learn about different people’s experiences with each different approach.

This survey should take between 5-8 minutes. At any time you feel uncomfortable or want to stop participating, you can stop participating anytime. The survey is anonymous, and your information is confidential. By filling out this survey, it is implied that you have been formally diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

The survey results will be used in a presentation on the topic of fibromyalgia, in which I am comparing the different causes of and methods of symptom control for this condition. And these results will contribute to our understanding of the awareness and conditions of current fibromyalgia patients and will allow us to have a better idea of how patients of different age groups and demographics are being informed about and treated for this illness.
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Hi Bamdad,
I'm fine with doing your survey, and more.... 👐
Outside links incl. @ddresses aren't permitted here, so your post has been edited by a moderator.
But if it's public you could share a search string without link for us to go to.
A search string for the survey or for a college @ddress, which'd allow you to filter who takes part.
Duckduckgo takes me to this thread here, but also to your linkedin profile - however I'm not on there...
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I might be interested. How do we do this survey exactly 🤔
Hello @bzareh,

Your post has been edited because we do not permit outside links to be posted in this forum. This is for the protection of all of the members. You are welcome to communicate with people in private messages about this if there are any who want to participate in this survey. However, you will need to have posted several times before you will have access to the private messaging capability, and this is also to protect our members.

I suggest that if you would like to communicate with the members on this forum you start by telling us more about this survey and your purposes and so on, allowing people to ask questions and answering them.
I am interested in completing the survey. I'm in the midst of being diagnosed with MS, suffer with severe ocular migraines and have had FM for over 16 years.
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