Fibromyalgia Perspective change...

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New member
Oct 3, 2014
Hello my friends,

My name is Dave and today has been quite a perspective shift in my life. After a weird experience in the shower, I became intrigued at looking up fibromyalgia and the symptoms related with it, suffice to say since then a lot of prior and current experiences in my life have gained a wider significance.

I have yet to be diagnosed by a doctor but out of all the symptoms I find it hard to find any I dont have haha. The whole body pain, nerve pain, fatigue, sleep problems/not feeling rested even with long sleep, irritable bowel, skin/chemical sensitivity, crying for no reason/feeling some days like there is a blanket of pain over me and not knowing why, etc. I still feel shocked to be honest and I would love to know anyone out there who has gone through this experience and how they dealt with it or how they first coped with the realisation that this was the cause for the pain and other imbalances in their life.

I feel shocked to imagine I have had this for possibly my whole life without knowing nor would I have ever known without investigating my self, at the same time there is a sense of relief in knowing Im not just a hypochondriac or its not just a psychological issue.

Appreciate any comments or advice on what feels like a new chapter in my life and the start of a different journey, thanks for reading and hope all is going well for you all.

Cheers, Dave :)
I'm glad you have discovered what may be underlying all your troubles. I hope you can get a diagnosis soon.

My own journey with this illness began in my teen's (I am now 47). I was tired all the time as a teen and the doctor sent me for Mono tests, which all came back negative. I had such a hard time getting out of bed as a teenager. In my early 20's the IBS started, although I didn't know what it was and thought it was caused by diet, but nothing seemed to make it better. When I was pregnant with my son, I was exhausted and seemed to sleep through most of it, but never seemed to get any rest. I thought it was caused by the pregnancy and would go away after having the baby. Hahaha The joke was on me. It got even worse after having my son. Well, the older I got the more symptoms I acquired.

I kept going to the doctor with all these symptoms at different times, and had no idea they all combined to make one illness. It wasn't until I was in my 30's that a friend suggested that I might have Fibromyalgia. I had never heard of it, and looked it up online and like you, discovered I had most of the symptoms. I went with my written list of symptoms to the doctor and she poked me in a few tender points and gave me a prescription and the diagnosis that it was Fibromyalgia. I was relieved to actually be able to put a name to what had been going on all these years and upset it hadn't been caught earlier on.

Before my diagnosis, I remember at one point asking my doctor why I seemed to be ill all the time and she just said some people are like that. It is nice to have a legitimate reason for not having a spotlessly clean home, and not being told I am lazy anymore. My step father never really believe I was ill, until I was accepted for disability on my first try. That is what finally convinced him, I wasn't just 'making excuses and being lazy' for not doing things anymore.

I hope things will start to improve for you now and that you can get the help you need for your ailments. :-)
Hi Dave! I hope you are not suffering from FM, but if you are... I truly hope you can get an accurate diagnosis soon, because there is nothing worse than being in the total dark when it comes to odd symptoms! I've always believed it is better to know than remain in the dark. I hope you are seeing a good rheumatologist, you will need him! He needs to run several blood tests and try the trigger point test, he first needs to rule out MS, lymes and lupus. Once that is done you should be well on your way to get diagnosed and know the truth.
It was 5 years before my doctor summed up all my ailments and decided I had Fybro. Like you I exhibit all of the symptoms. Dr.'s don't know a lot about this problem but your best bet is to google a fybro specialist. They will be a Rhuematologist (sorry about the spelling - brain fog!) who has become a specialist in this particular area. Also have them test for MD, and Lupus, you need to be in a flare up before the test for the results to show.
Hi iam male age 29, has fibromyalgia for 3 year but just recently diagnosed. chronic fatigue, shoulder and neck pain, ache muscle, right leg pain and lbp just recently become my day. It make me impotence also. I wonder if i can get a wife that understand me. even my family think my fibro is fake. I JUST WANNA END MY LIFE so they understand what i am being through. It suckkk worry about my future career and life. I am six year goverment officer. my job need me to move around a lot. It suck dealinhg with pain. How can you sleep well, what medicine you take, how can you cope with the pain in life. Very depresed. Thx for sharing

Fibromyalgia is very new in this country. Suck t have this in young age. I live in southeast asia, not many doc know how to deal with this. I cant sit in the car for to long. I have amitriptylin just recently but i stop that because in the morning it make me drunk. I cant worked. I didnt take lyrica because my salary cant keep up. It costly in this country. By the way what food d y guys avoided?..... I just read certain food aggregrated this symtomp. We just have to deal with this for the rest our life. Good luck guys :sad:
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