My daughter definitely feels better when she avoids gluten. She doesn't do it all the time, but has significantly reduced her gluten, and when she feels extra bad, she goes on elimination diets. Right now, she is on a vegetarian diet. We've found that many Indian foods have lots of healthy spices, and less additives. We've also used some typical products like spaghetti sauce and added things like artichoke hearts and black olives with gluten free pasta, and cooking dishes like cajun dirty rice or jambalaya or curry with mushrooms instead of meat. We discovered a delicious Indian lentil Dal (curry) a few days ago - we just added chopped onion, carrots cooked in coconut oil, and water. Over several years, we've gotten adjusted to reading ingredients and choosing corn and rice over wheat. She also uses smoothies. Last night, it was a Kale smoothie with berries. We had a huge quinoa kick for a while, and made dishes with it similar to chipotle. Guacamole is one of our favorites. She can order a guacamle salad on corn chips for a quick pick-me-up when we're out.
She does tend to be anemic, however, which I believe is a symptom of the disease, which also causes a negative feedback loop.