Fibro &Relationships

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Jan 13, 2016
I am 25. I was diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago.

How do you all deal with the strain it puts on your relationships?
Sexually, emotionally, physically?

My significant other has been my rock through this nightmare, but I fear he is getting tired of being my caregiver more than my spouse.

It's so hard to tell him that it hurts to be hugged but I CRAVE physical touch.(ext)

There's lots of examples.. any experienced people out there with advice?

I'm sick of being sick. I'm sick of being sick around other people. I'm sick of everyone treating me as a "mental patient" instead of helping my pain.
I posted something about this last year.all u can really do is does up and go for it one night.yes u will hurt but u may find like me the old hormones kick in and your don't hurt to well after.
Try not to talk about your pain every time something hurts.try to make one night a night u cope the best u can and maybe have a pizza and a movie. If u can't go out order at home.tell him how handsome he is how much u love him.prays all the things he will really lift him up x
Forgetmenot is right although i have vulvodynia and intersistial cystitis which makes intimacy a real problem. If you dont actually have pain 'down there' then there are lots of ways to be close physically without full on intercourse if you hurt too much all over.

I'm sure you don't need me to spell it out but compliments...naughty texts and talk and then any kinds of physical contact that pleases him and you if you are up to it.

Take a warm bath/shower before and after too if it helps to ease sore muscles and take painkillers to help.

Keep emotionally connected cuddling when you can ..even watching a movie in bed holding hands if that's all you can do.

Let him know you still find him attractive even when you can't 'do' anything.

There is no doubt this illness takes it's toll on both of you and we all get sick of being sick and looked on as sick when all we want is to be normal.

You are not mental and don't let anyone infer that you are...the pain and fatigue and all the symptoms are real.

You are brave and strong. Take Care
Tell him you appreciate everything he does. Let him know he's your rock. I have been with my wife every step of the way of her fibro diagnosis and it can be hard and I cringe every time I hear her groan in pain.

I understand its hard for her and sometimes plans fall through when she is not feeling great but its just something we have to cope with.

Fibro sucks and its all a couple can do is to try and make the best of it. Take every advantage of the days where you feel you're up to some couples activity and i'm sure he understands when you're not.
Could agree more with all the above comments. Personally, I do take advantage of pain killers, and yes sometimes even alcohol. Yes, I know that it is definitely not recommended...but I love my husband so very much...I will do anything I possibly can to make sure he knows just how much I love and appreciate all he does for me daily.
Ah Nexi thats lovely x
I understand your situation. Fibromyalgia as well as other chronic conditions have the capacity to put a strain on relationships especially if you have not broached the issue to your significant other. Normal activities like an innocent touch can result in a painful sensation. There is also the possibility of withdrawal from others as you try to cope. FM has many ramifications and even sleeping, walking and normal sexual relationships become painful. The best thing to do is to go for joint counselling sessions. Making others understand that anyone can be diagnosed with it and the fact that its not a terminal condition is very important.
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