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New member
Dec 6, 2013
Every case of fibro/CFS is different. In my case, I was diagnosed at the age of 18 following previous diagnoses of Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, ADD, and Asthma. Due to my lengthly list of health concerns, I think that my dad, sister, and brother have written me off as dramatic and hypersensitive (which I am, physically… because of fibro :neutral: ) My mom, on the other hand, deals with mental illness herself and has been nothing but rainbows and unicorns in helping me. Unfortunately, she lives in Kentucky and the rest of us live in the Chicagoland area. Having been written off, I feel very little support and have very few opportunities to discuss and work through my issues. My pain is moderate and manageable but immediately flairs up in times of stress and when my other illnesses manifest.

I felt 100% support and understanding from the physical therapist I have been treated by for the past 2 years but was informed today that he has helped all he can and the rest of the journey is up to me. Being the only person I felt truly showed interest in my day-to-day pain and fatigue, his absence is a huge loss to me. Having fibro at such a young age is daunting. I know that I will have it for the rest of my life and the reality is that it will probably become more severe as I age. Now, I face the depression associated with a lack of a support group in a time in which I feel embarrassment of my pain, inability to express why I never leave my bed or can't stand for more than 20 minutes, and weakness for someone that is supposed to be at her physical prime.

Most days I can keep it together, but today I'm a mess, knowing that I am again alone in my path to pain management and exercise, and unsure of how I will continue to gain strength when my fibro gives me pain and my depression makes it difficult to even leave the house if I don't have to. I feel like I got hit the jackpot of invisible and unprovable illnesses. Although my pain is tolerable, each other illness I face is another ball to juggle at the age of 20. This is my first time to a forum about this, so let's see how it goes...
My hopes and prayers are with you for this trying day of yours. I hope you feel much better tomarrow. Life with any illness can be depressing and yet fibromyalgia seems to make these days much worse. We can manage the head issues and the other strange symptoms that pop in once in a while during a flare, but constant muscle pain is the thing that can make life a real chore, and make depression hard to avoid. I understand where your coming from and just know that we all feel your pain and heartache, and sadness. Count me as a new friend. :)
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this. I would probably feel the same way, you've lost a huge support system.

Hopefully, things will get better for you as time progresses. This recent loss of your physical therapist is all very new to you. It's so frustrating to deal with mental illness on top of these other issues, but they seem to go hand in hand. I also have all of these health problems you mentioned, with the exception of bi-polar. It does indeed make the fibro all the more difficult when dealing with mental illness.

If you need to talk, we're here for you. You can always private message me if you ever need to talk privately. I hope you'll find the support you need here, with us.
Your not alone, feel free to use us for support that's what this forum is all about.
Gerbentrelle, I really wish you the best of luck with everything. I know how lonely this road can be, because no one seems to understand this disease, and I can also relate a lot with you, because I also suffer from several health issues. Most of them related to hormones, my digestive system and my mind. Dealing with my own mind has been the hardest thing, and yes, I deal with depression every single day. Some days are unbearable, but I have found ways to cope. Watching TV helps, so is listening to Suzanna Powell's teachings, watching ASMR videos, writing, watching anime, cooking, talking with my boyfriend and of course going to see a therapist once a month.

I know is hard, but you have to find a way to cope, I believe one day you will. Sadly this is the game we got to play, we must stay positive and be strong. I'm 26 years old now, and it took me a while to find a way to cope with all my health issues. It wasn't until 3 years ago that I found a real challenge! But there is no choice but going on. My prayers are with you! Dealing with mental issues isn't easy at all.
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