Fibro for years.....

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New member
Nov 23, 2013
Hello all,

I was diagnosed with fibro in 1986. I have been through so much byt managed. The best thing for me was to change my lifestyle, eat better, get sleep and stay connected with the outside world. I have also tried meds here and there but nothing helped. I am now suffering with something new that is ten times worse than my fibro....burning mouth syndrome with chronic bitter taste 24/7 and see no way out of this one. Has anyone been through this in this group or know of anyone who has survived this horrible nightmare. It is not medicine induced as i have been med free for a couple of years now. Any help is most welcomed.
Welcome to the forum. I have had bouts of this in the past usually just before a bad flare with fibro. If you go to your dentist he should be able to give you medication for pain or to numb the area so it can heal. You might also have a absess in your mouth if you have a bitter taste. The pain with that type of infection is really bad. With the holiday coming up you should call right away and hopeful get some relief. Good luck, and hope you feel better soon. :)
Hey....i went to dentist and all looks is not an abcess but possibly caused by a nebulizer treatement of glutathione in another drs office....diff to prove but never had this before and i have suffered with fibro for years. Thx for the suggestions though. Happy holidays.
Glad to hear all was well as far as not a abcess. At least he was able to supply you with a possible answer and hopefully an idea of treatment. Have a wonderful day and a Happy Thanksgiving Day. :)
Thank You.

I have gone to the dentist and saw no sores at all....gave me a ton of dry mouth stuff and sent me on my way with a Burning mouth diagnosis.

Really? Is this the new catch all like IBS was years ago?
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