fibro fog

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Jul 21, 2013
Hi everyone, just wanted to know about fibro fog. I had been having problems with remembering things and finding the right words to use. It's like my mind goes blank on the word and a while later I remember what it is. Does anyone else have this problem? It feels like I am already getting dementia.
I know exactly what you're talking about, because I suffer it too often. My mind seems to go in and out of being foggy, but I've noticed that I'm just slower to think through everything all the time. I have no answers for you, except keep working your brain. I love to play games and solve puzzles just to keep my brain functioning.
I read somewhere that you can help your brain fog by not drinking diet soda, and not too much of the regular kind. It said not just sugar but the artifical sweetners that are manmade can cause thinking problems.

The above post is a good idea in doing puzzles or playing games, or taking up a new hobby that involves figuring out how to do things. I like jigsaw puzzles and stamp collecting, and plastic canvas as it requires me to pay attention to what I am doing. I have bad days too like when I am overly stressed or tired. Then I am lucky to remember my own name. lol
I often wonder if fibro fog is connected to the lack of sleep. I know that when I'm exhausted, my brain just feels hazy and I'm not able to think as clearly.

Though I've definitely had good sleeps and still felt the effects of fibro fog too.
I used to be able to spell just about any words not now..I have spell check on my iPad thank goodness...then when trying to talk to people I can't remember what I'm saying..conversations are difficult and draining..I'm trying to read more I used to read all the time but its a struggle I have to re read things just so they sink in.. I play games on line to try and help. Puzzles would be fun but my dogs would eat the pieces and then I would be so lost looking for them....
I think I hate the fog more than the isolates me .. I don't like being around other people ( not a people person ) but now it's embarrassing . I can't explain what is happening to me so I just avoid it
I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope your fog lifts...
Me, too. But it started with my Celiac Disease and now I guess fibro sufferers have it, too. Does this mean I have a double dose? Don't even ask me what I did a minute ago or to remember to pick something up on the way home or anything. My head hurts. I get pressure in my head when I can't remember and it frustrates me and I get a headache to boot. I was a smart cookie graduating in the top 10 of my high school class, managing my own business and now I forget to even call new business prospects back and lose. I feel like an idiot. I even searched the house up and down for 2 days looking for a paper from my son's school and it didn't even exist. I got the info in a voicemail - not the mail. Duh! It brings on sadness and then anxiety where I can't see and everything is blurry because it bothers me soooo much. Sometimes my head feels clearer - not like I was out drinking all night and I'm actually in a fog - but even on those days, I can't remember a darn thing. I've even forgotten to take my son to the Dr. and missed appts., etc. It's pretty bad. I hope you feel better soon. I've been dealing with it for years and it's not any better yet. It's like the old me got lost.
Ya I guess our old selves are lost in the fog...where is the sunshine to burn the fog away? If anyone finds it pass it on over this way....
Hoping for a bright spot to everyone's day.
Thanks for the information. I am thinking that stress be the major cause. The fibro fog seems to happen at work the most. I do not drink diet soda or use artificial sweeteners so I do not think it has anything to do with that. I will have to try the puzzles though.
OMG! So this has a name! Lately I've been forgetting a lot words... and I feel so slow and dull! I thought it was because of the severe stress and becuase I'm dealing with really difficult things right now. Yesterday I had a very foggy moment when recieving the change for something I paid, I could swear I was getting one hundred and not one hundred and fifty! I felt so ashamed, I had the bills in front of me. That woman must have thought I was such an idiot, lol.
Sometimes the brain fog can be caused by the pain medications we take. I found out that some of the milder effects of Neurontin can be trouble remembering things and concentration problems, as well as, dizziness, to name a few. So be sure to read up on some of the side effects of your meds, and then try to figure out which is caused by fibro or another health problem, and which is caused by the medication. Doing that will really drive you crazy. lol :)
I get it sporadically, especially not being able to think of the right words. The other day I was feeling awful and needed to call my supervisors to let them know that I wouldn't be in. It took me about 10 minutes to remember who I needed to call, my mind was stuck on a number for a job I haven't had for over 15 years. It was pretty disconcerting to have happen.
Sometimes the brain fog can be caused by the pain medications we take. I found out that some of the milder effects of Neurontin can be trouble remembering things and concentration problems, as well as, dizziness, to name a few. So be sure to read up on some of the side effects of your meds, and then try to figure out which is caused by fibro or another health problem, and which is caused by the medication. Doing that will really drive you crazy. lol :)

Oh yeah, the meds I'm taking have a lot side effect :O Not something I like to think about, lol. Ah, probably that's why I have been feeling so slow... been on this meds for just 1 year! I think I might have to take them for life... ah well, I hope I have someone nearby to remind me who I am every 30 minutes :P
When I first noticed my brain fog, I had pulled up to the gas pumps to get gas. I just stood there looking at the pump. I could not for the life of me figure out the steps to pumping gas! I finally worked through it.
I tend to be more foggy when my fatigue is bad.
Sometimes when I have foggy moments, I will joke and tell people I'm having a blonde moment even though I have red hair.
Trellum, get yourself some sticky notes put yor name on them and wear them that way when you go past a mirror you will know who you are...
As for the meds causing the fog I'm sure they do but I have it without meds. For me I notice it more when Im tired (so always) stressed ..also when I get out in public where there are a lot of people around I get flustered and its worse then..
I understand the fog you are talking about.

I think that any long term illness or disorder eventually has a negative affect on our ability to think clearly.
I have had to remind myself, dangerous proposition there, to not walk and think at the same time. My most pronounced moments of fog develop when I'm moving around and thinking about other thing instead of forcing myself to complete the task that got me moving in the first place!

It is a new mental discipline that works, sometimes.
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