Fibro fog is costing my jobs

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New member
Feb 29, 2024
I want to talk about fibro fog. Do many of you suffer with it? I do, and it's costing me jobs. In the last 3 years, I've been let go from 2 of the four jobs I've had during this time, and I'm getting close to losing the job I'm in now. Any tips on how best to pay attention to details and focus through the fog? Losing the current job would be so devastating, since I am incredibly happy with what I do and the team I do it with. Thanks everyone, and keep on fighting through the struggles of Fibromyalgia. Bless you all!
I can certainly relate, honestly I think if my family could fire me they would. My forgetfulness is awful. I can remember things from a long time ago, but my short term is awful. I don’t know if it is from fibro or the medications, or a combination of the two. I currently don’t work and it’s a good thing because I’m sure I would be let go. I’ve applied for social security disability but they are jerks. I feel for you when it comes to the fog! I keep notes on sticky pads in order for me to remember. Not sure what your employment is, but maybe keep notes in order to stay on task. I’ve had to do this for a few years now.
I’ve applied for social security disability but they are jerks.
This tends to be how most people who apply for disability through social security feel. I have not done this myself but have heard from a lot of people what their experience is, and it makes it clear that the whole system should be revamped completely.

Generally, you will be turned down the first time or even twice, so I always recommend to people to expect that and then if you actually do get it, it can be a wonderful surprise. And some folks don't realize that since it goes through SS, it all depends on how much you have worked and how much you earned, whether you will qualify and if so how much you will get. Most people won't get enough to live on, just like most people drawing social security after retirement have a hard time living on that. That's how this country works.

I love living in the US because we are a huge country with almost every kind of climate and countryside you could possibly want, and we are allowed to live anywhere we want to live. Lots of freedom, but you have to pay for everything, including things that the citizens of other countries don't have to pay for, like education and health care, both of which I feel should always be free for everyone. If you don't have the money, you have to do without even if it is something you need in order to live. It's sad that things are the way they are here.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I have sticky notes everywhere at work. But I work in a laboratory with human tissue and patient charting, so making mistakes can be detrimental to the patient. Work has just today changed my job duties where I won't have direct contact with patient tissue until I go through more training. I've just been making too many dumb mistakes! 5 years ago, I almost never made mistakes at work. Argh, it is just so frustrating! And I'm afraid I'll just get the run around, like you seem to get, from disability claims. It seems super tough to get accepted. I sure hope we both are able to get some help with this.
I find that writing out the steps to follow can really help. Then you refer to them when you're doing the task to be sure you don't miss something. This has been extremely valuable in keeping my job. There's a reason even pilots have checklists for everything - they really help.
There's a reason even pilots have checklists for everything - they really help.
So very true! And even a pilot who has been flying for 30 years has to go through that checklist every single time carefully.
There is no shame in needing to make lists or post up little reminders. A lot of people need to do this, whether or not they have fibro or anything else that affects their functioning. And a lot of other people do it who would probably remember everything every time, but just want to be sure.

In a job situation, I cannot imagine that an employer or supervisor would object to a person having a checklist, or think it was anything other than the employee's meticulous attention to making sure everything is done right.
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