Fibro Fog, frustrating and psychiatrist issue

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New member
Feb 7, 2017
I filed for SSD and they sent me to a psychiatrist because I have fibro fog. In this 20 minute visit, this person is supposed to determine my mental health and if I have "so called fibro-fog". I know it's very real, my neurologist and rheumotologist have both said I have it. Even without them telling me so, I know I have it.

I wish people had to spend a day with me before they could make these determinations. Even my husband didn't get it when I would constantly tell him there's a brain fog and memory loss. Literally tripping over words, or having half your thought lock itself away. Forgetting what you're doing and not being able to remember what it was. It really makes me feel small and dumb.
Hi melcat. Don't be so hard on yourself, fibro fog sucks and is very real. The worst part for me is constantly muddling words, I hear myself saying what sounds like nonsense, try to repeat it saying what I meant to only for it to come out just as wrong, very frustrating! My memory is horrendous too, I go to do something then completely forget what I was going to do in the space of a few seconds. You know your own body and mind too better than most doctors, don't let them knock you down & keep your chin up. x
Hi Melcat,

The drs that do those exams are just doing this for extra money. They are taught to write just the opposite of what the patient tells them. They have no empathy or professionalism.(most of them)
So don't feel bad,I believe your Fibro fog is real.
Just don't let the SS testing question yourself.
They just don't want to approve people because of the money.

It's difficult when you try to think of that word and it just won't come. Maybe 5 hrs later it will come to u lol.

Have to laugh or else we'll cry.

Lol Sagey. My kids are always finishing my sentences for me now cos I can never seem to find the word I'm looking for!
I find myself making up my own 'special' words when i cant find the right one..luckily my partner usually gets what i mean from the context of our conversation..i might use the colour or material something is made of when the word wont it could be plastic twisty thingy..or black handled cutting thingy...infact thingy seems to be the one word i do remember! LOL

I hope your SSD gets approved..fibro and all it add on symptoms are real.

I also applied for Social Security disability benefits and was sent to a psychiatrist by SSA for a consultative exam (CE). For me the exam was quite comprehensive and thorough. The dr. spent about 30 mins. interviewing me where I was given the opportunity to tell him about my "brain fog", memory problems, and how it effected my ability to do my work, and daily activities.

He also tested me verbally, with small objects/puzzles, and in a timed-written exam. These exams took about 3 hours, so in all, my testing and interview was about 3.5 hrs. I was totally physically and mentally spent and was not able to finish the written exam.

The psychiatrist found my memory to be impaired, and his findings were specifically mentioned, along with my own psychiatrist's supporting medical reports, in the Administrative Law Judge's written decision.

I suggest that you get a copy of your CE report to see if it is supportive of your medical condition. If it isn't supportive then use this opportunity to ensure that your own p-doc provides a more accurate and thorough report to SSA. I believe SSA is supposed to give more weight to the drs. you see regularly.
I will do that blue paradise, but I don't think it will be in my favor. It was literally 20-30 minutes; she asked me about my childhood, history of abuse if any, then gave me a few quick tests. I had to remember the order of 5 words, and a couple other things.

It's gotten so bad at this point, I write notes and sometimes forget what the notes are for lol, and I will forget where I put the notes or lists and now have to take pictures of them so I have them all the time. You are right that they are supposed to weight the doctors I see regularly higher than theirs, which what the basis of my appeal is on. Fingers crossed.

Since finding this group and another I am on, I feel less like I'm losing my mind. Its somewhat normalizing to find there are many others that have been or are in the same boat. When you're on your own you begin to doubt yourself, and think maybe you really are losing your mind. I did go to therapy but explaining to a therapist isn't quite the same as talking to other people in similar circumstances. So thank God for the internet :)
I'm curious. If you apply and are approved for disability, are you assuming you will never be able to work again?
Is there such a situation as partial disability?
Are you never able, in any capacity, able to make any kind of excess income afterwards?
Understandably, it's a Gidsend for those who have no income coming in, but I don't believe it's much more than say, social security, correct?
There are weeks on end that I literally drag myself out the door and fake smile throughout the day. But so far, SO far, I've had some stable periods in between. I'm concerned though, and I see the pattern of my symptoms going on longer and more intensified as the years go by. Thank you for your insight. btw? I received an answer to another post, but I can't figure out how to locate it.
It's sadly real , and it has been kicking my butt for years now cause it mostly happen half way through the conversation. My boy friend is now very good at reading my broken robot line which became much more like word game of fill in the blank and guessing what I've just said. Unfortunately if there were too many wrong guesses , I'll be passing out for a few hours. Kinda like a blackout stress , woke up later and forget about everything. To stranger is rather odd but since his family seem to enjoy watching the game since they know about my condition , it make me feels better knowing that I can entertain someone with it. And thanks to my black out stress, I don't remember ever getting mad cause as far as I remember or as far as anyone remember I've never got one.

I'm living drug free and psychiatrist free at the moment, cause I can't continuing conversation since they kept blacking me out!
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