Fibro flare after very mild Covid case


New member
Sep 6, 2024
Hello. I'm new to this forum but not new to fibro. My symptoms started back in the 1990s after a struggle with Lyme, and a concurrent virus (flare up of CMV)and a very stressful move. Have dealt with Fibro symptoms, on and off, ever since. I take pregablin which is pretty useful. It's really been pretty good over the last few years- we moved two years ago and it flared up a bit, but has been good in the warm weather UNTIL I got my first case of Covid a month ago. I took Paxlovid( and was fully vaccinated and boosted) and really was barely ill. But now I've got fibro symptoms- pain, tingling, intermittent brain fog, PME, the whole nine yards. How do I know whether this is just my usual response to illnesses or is it the dreaded long covid? TBH, I'm doing fairly well, but I'm a bit concerned. I was fine two weeks after Covid and went for a two mile walk, (I usually walk 3-4 miles daily) and crashed big time. I've been struggling ever since, although I've had a normal day or two in there. I'm sick of resting- want to resume exercising, but every time I do morning walks I crash hugely by 2-3 PM. Anyone else have this happen and did it go away? I'm female, my name is Ruth and I'm 73. Ancient.
How do I know whether this is just my usual response to illnesses or is it the dreaded long covid?
Hi Ruth, and welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately, no one can answer your question, above. Not even doctors. This is something you will just have to wait and see how it goes. I hope for you that it is a temporary thing, and actually the odds are in your favor that it is, but there's no way to know at this point.

I do suggest that you keep moving as best you can without overdoing it and eat the healthiest diet you possibly can, avoiding alcohol and sugar, to help your body do its work to heal.
I guess I'm asking for other people's experiences with fibro flares after Covid.
I definitely had a bad flare period during and after my having what I am pretty certain was Covid. (I cannot say for sure that is was Covid because I was too sick to be able to understand and follow the directions on the at-home test, and far too ill to drive myself 45 minutes to the closest place that could give me a test).
I think most people with fibro will report that they have increased fibro symptoms any time they become ill. But how long that lasts varies greatly from person to person.