Fibro/chronic fatigue/migraine/burning skin

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Lemon blossom

New member
Feb 17, 2015
Hi & g'day from Arizona.

I was diagnosed three years ago with fibro - but I now recognize that I had symptoms two years before that. I'm a positive person but I've noticed that chronic pain can be quite depressing. I'm mostly sleeping in bed or to fatigued to get out. I'm basically managing my symptoms with several meds - that I really don't like taking. I do have a very kind doctor. I'm happy to be here and learn how you all cope and what your symptoms and meds are - just trying to figure out why my symptoms rotate. I have a very kind husband who has been doing stuff in the house that I can't do anymore. Then while he is at work I sleep.
Lemon blossom, welcome and thanks for posting. im not sure how to answer your question.

im not sure what you mean by "just trying to figure out why my symptoms rotate."

do you mean pain in different areas of the body? or the kind of pains you have?

good days and bad days?

our meds are nerve blockers(gabby,cymbalta,lyirca ) muscle relaxers, sleep aids and pain killers.
all help for different reasons. some work for others and some dont work. some have bad side effects to include loss of eye site.

find the meds that work for you, take them as directed or you will get withdrawals. refill early and make sure your doctor is still on the same plan as you. Remember you are in control of your treatment not the doctors. ask questions and get answers you can understand. make informed decisions from here on. its quality of life that matters.
you will find many nice folks on here that want to help you cope. this is a good step to getting help.

your not alone and you will see there is many of us here with the same real thing you have.

feel free to click on my name and friend me.

I feel ya on your discomfort. The only way I manage is cutting out things that I have become reactive to. No longer can eat meat...(sad), hardly any sugar at all (really super sad), anything in the nightshade family (eggplant, potatoes, nicotine) & most importantly stress (how I manufacture it & not blaming others for it). Stretch/strength train at home approx 5days a week. Use resistance bands, styrofoam roller, facia stretching. Yes, it is alot of work. My choice to be pro-active this way because I don't trust/like the medicine the doctors predominately prescribe. Pain med only...

just as an example- If I eat potatoes, I get a flare for the next couple of days...Couldn't believe it until I kept a journal with everything I ate daily. Only way you will know is to monitor yourself. Your soooo worth the effort Lemon!
Thanks for your comments and welcome. I'm very new to sharing info about myself - but I take pain meds and muscle relaxers to manage pain. I've figured out what causes a flare - doing too much. I need a lot of rest. i haven't figured out if any kind of food causes problems - I have noticed I've lost my appetite and hardly eat. Thanks for showing interest. I really need to talk to others with same condition - my doctor told me it would help.
Lemon, share what your doctor's told you and what you have found in your research.
Try eating small amounts of food throughout the day. You need to eat. No food makes mine hurt even more!
Lemon; I'm also in AZ ! I have found I'm not reactive to foods either. But I try to stay low carb to keep weight down and eating more protein helps the migraines , (unrelated as I've had migraines since 5 years old) We are all so different ! Keeping a food and physical activity log can really be helpful, it can help pinpoint problems.

Welcome to the group, we are here for you.
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