Fibro and Low Grade Fever?

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New member
Sep 10, 2013
Anyone here deal with a low grade fever often with their Fibro? With low grade I mean around 99-99.8? This has become frustrating for me because it makes me feel so flushed all the time. I am 29 yrs old, and I was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago. My GP mentioned that the fever could coincide with the fibro, and I can tell that my fibro symptoms as well as the fever seems very hormonally driven. My husband even says at night sometimes when we are lying beside each other that it feels like he is beside a heater ha..(it does seem funny but it truly is aggravating) This has become such a draining symptom for me because it adds to the already existing aching. Anyone else have this issue, and if so, have you found anything to help?
I have been dealing with fm for 26 years and this is one aspect that i have been very frustrated with.I go from being very hot and at times go cold and can't even get warm with a heated blanket or bath etc.I have not been able to get a direct answer to what exactly is going on when it comes on or goes away..This is nothing to do with menopause as i had a hysterectomy in the 70's..I always have a slight fever as well
At some point almost every day, my temp goes as high as 100.5, but it's never been higher. Interestingly though, my dr. told me that fever is NOT a symptom of fibro and so he suspects an autoimmune disorder is in the works... Fabulous! I don't take anything for the fevers as annoying as they are. I'm already on 1000 mg of prescription NSAIDS and he said that would also take care of fever. Well he was wrong.
I have this problem. I tend to have fevers very often. They are always low grade though. I rarely ever have a high fever. But I also tend to have chills a lot.
For what it's worth, I've read and heard a lot that a low-grade fever is indicative of low-grade, whole body inflammation. Chronic low-grade inflammation is suspected to be a root cause of many, many ailments including fibromyalgia. Inflammation is one of those things that is a catch 22. Acute inflammation in response to injury is a potentially life-saving response by your body, but low grade inflammation from consuming certain foods, drugs, etc over a long time is really harmful. So it's a solid bet that avoiding those things might really help this symptom.

Things a I know of certainly to avoid are any soda (diet or otherwise), peanuts, soy and anything full of a lot of preservatives etc that are unnatural compounds that aren't recognized by your body. If your body doesn't recognize something, it responds by sending out the same antibodies and histamines that it does if you were to get stung by a bee or injure yourself.

Also, many drugs could easily cause this as a side effect so be REALLY picky with what you take.
I experience hot flashes from time to time, as a matter of fact... I'm feeling that right now :P I often assumed this was a hormonal issue, rather than a fibro issue, because I have serious hormonal issues. Uhm, I had no idea this could be linked to fibro. The first time I experienced those ''hot flashes'' was when I was just 13 years old!

Amazing how time flies. I'm now the double of that ;) Still with the hot flashes, specially at night. I'm too young to have menopause, so yeah... I'm sure this is linked to fibro or my hormonal issues. I hope this answered your question :) You are not alone, remember that. I hope you find some relief soon! Best of luck!
My low grade fever comes every day like clockwork right around 4:00 p.m. My face turns bright red and I start pouring sweat if I so much as try to walk across the room. I feel like I'm burning up and like you could cook an egg on my hot face. I feel like my temperature must be at least 102, but when I read the thermometer, it's only 99.2-100. I've adapted by making sure I'm in shorts and a t-shirt in the evenings if I plan to do anything more than lying on the couch (e.g., folding laundry, washing dishes, any housework).
See, I was under the impression that my fevers were somehow unrelated, but from what I can see, this is a common enough symptom among the diagnosed.

Often, I get low grade fevers after spending any period of time under the sun. They can happen spontaneously too, but they're so much more frequent after outside activity. It's significantly worse in the summer, to the point where I need to smother myself in sun-screen if I need to be in direct sunlight for more than five minutes, just to keep this fever response from being too extreme. Generally, I'll see a temperature of about 99 to 100, but rarely beyond that point. It was these fevers that initially spurned me to start looking into a diagnosis, but I've never been able to conjure one up while in the doctor's office!
I have been experiencing low-grade fevers for years, off and on. They seem to come in clusters, but always in the evening right before supper time. Normally I am 97.8-98.0, but at these times it will feel like my face is on fire, I will feel dizzy, my arms & hands will feel swollen and my temp will be 99.5-101.5. This will last for days with no other symptoms...
Yes, my friend would have those fevers from time to time, usually at night. She goes to bed and checks her temperature and she would realize that she has fever and she feels very weak. She has been experiencing that for more than a year already and she kind of got used to it already. She just tries to rest it off, hoping that she feels better in the morning.
I'm talking about temperature of around 96.0. I tend to run low grade fever of around. 96.0 most of the time. If my temperature ever ranges over 98 I feel it must be around 100 for most people, since my normal is around 96. Does that makes sense to anyone else? Maybe it is common for people with Fibromyalgia to have low grade fevers. This might have something to do with a circulation problem.
I'm reading a book right now that says 90% of fibro patients actually have CFS and a symptom of CFS is a low grade fever.
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