Feeling hot or cold with FM

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Active member
Apr 15, 2018
lately I've noticed that it can be 69 degrees in my room and I'm hot. Not sweating just like a fever type hot but without the fever. Then there are days it can be 74 in here and I'm freezing to death.
I have night sweats so badly I have to have a shirt nearby since it's usually soaked when I wake up.
I think it could be a symptom of long term untreated FM. I recently done some reading last week to see if any new research was out there and came across more stuff that I have noticed but was never brought up until now about long term FM.
I've noticed with my FM (diagnosed Feb 2019) that sometimes i'm hot/cold when it's not warranted given my surroundings. There are times I feel chilled even though the temperature is perfectly warm enough to be comfortable and there are times that I feel uncomfortably hot when the temperature is actually quite cool. It's not all the time for me, but I've definitely noticed these things with FM. I have also experienced awful night sweats and know exactly what it's like to keep a shirt or even a towel close to the bed. It's the worst! I know personally, with my night sweats it's related to periods and such.. which is personal and may have no relation to what you're experiencing.. but I have a few tips that might be interesting to know if you haven't tried them already; I try to sleep with little/loose clothing, I sleep with a fan on, I've switched my comforter to something much lighter that holds less weight and feels less heavy (that decision was also make because of the summer months, but it's helped with the night sweats) and I also only use cotton sheets now. Nothing I've done keeps the night sweats from coming, but I found that those couple of things have at least helped them a bit. I hope my insight was at least a little useful!

I've noticed with my FM (diagnosed Feb 2019) that sometimes i'm hot/cold when it's not warranted given my surroundings. There are times I feel chilled even though the temperature is perfectly warm enough to be comfortable and there are times that I feel uncomfortably hot when the temperature is actually quite cool. It's not all the time for me, but I've definitely noticed these things with FM. I have also experienced awful night sweats and know exactly what it's like to keep a shirt or even a towel close to the bed. It's the worst! I know personally, with my night sweats it's related to periods and such.. which is personal and may have no relation to what you're experiencing.. but I have a few tips that might be interesting to know if you haven't tried them already; I try to sleep with little/loose clothing, I sleep with a fan on, I've switched my comforter to something much lighter that holds less weight and feels less heavy (that decision was also make because of the summer months, but it's helped with the night sweats) and I also only use cotton sheets now. Nothing I've done keeps the night sweats from coming, but I found that those couple of things have at least helped them a bit. I hope my insight was at least a little useful!

I'm male so don't have the monthly thing to deal with..i feel for those who do. Can't even imagine how that would be.
I use cotton sheets and a lighter blanket year around now because of the sweats sometimes no blanket at all depending on the temperature.
I always sleep in sweat pants and a t shirt. For some reason I can't sleep in shorts,I'd never get any sleep. I don't sleep very well to start with,if I get 3 hours in a 24 hour period I'm one lucky person. I usually have 1 or 2 crash days a week where my body just can't stay awake any longer and I sleep 8-10 hours,then I'm like a meth head and up several hours after. It's crazy and driving me insane how I sleep and I can't get it under control.
But back to the hot and cold subject, it seemed to get worse after I had a bout with covid back in March/April. Seems like a lot changed since then.
I beg everyone who has FM to wear a mask and avoid getting it at all cost.
You think body aches are bad now,imagine them 3-4x worse. I was laid up for 2 weeks of my 4 week battle. Luckily I only had a mild case and nothing I had to go to the hospital for,but not everyone will be as lucky. It's horrible so please use a mask and wash your hands constantly.
I can not even tell you how much I appreciate you sharing with me your experience with COVID. Side note: I was reading through another thread and saw you are male and realized our night sweats were most definitely coming from different things, lol! But to go back to Covid.. I recently quit my job, knowing that living in the US it is not going to be easy to just find something else.. but our company (a medical oncology practice) was sending my department back into our office (which is a call center type environment, I worked in medical records) because of bad performance. We were told that CDC/OSHA guidelines were being followed and everything would be safe to return. I said no. I ended my career with that company and less than 2 weeks later I found out that my old co-worker tested positive and was out of work. The fear of getting Covid with Fibro TERRIFIES me, and I know that FM doesn't make me Immuno-compromised but knowing the pain I go through on normal days seemed enough to make me quit and get out of that setting. It really didn't seem worth it. Although I knew this was and still is the right decision I am SO GLAD you told me your experience because it is exactly what I was afraid of. I stay home for the most part and try to be very careful when/if going out. Masks, hand sanitizer, hand washing.. all of it.
I also meant to comment on your sleep, but got so distracted by the Covid info you shard I forgot. Your sleep pattern sounds very exhausting and frustrated, i'm sorry you have to go through that. I can't say I've experience that, but I do take Trazadone to help me sleep. Now, I also have depression and anxiety, so the Trazadone was specifically prescribed for that, but it helps me. My problem is being able to stay asleep. This allows me to sleep through the night. I find that with the FM that I sleep A LOT. Sometimes close to 12 hours a night if i'm flaring. I hope you can find relief with your sleep soon! I know how hard that can be on the FM. Have you tried Melatonin? It doesn't work for me, but I know a lot of people that have used it and found it helpful.

I can not even tell you how much I appreciate you sharing with me your experience with COVID. Side note: I was reading through another thread and saw you are male and realized our night sweats were most definitely coming from different things, lol! But to go back to Covid.. I recently quit my job, knowing that living in the US it is not going to be easy to just find something else.. but our company (a medical oncology practice) was sending my department back into our office (which is a call center type environment, I worked in medical records) because of bad performance. We were told that CDC/OSHA guidelines were being followed and everything would be safe to return. I said no. I ended my career with that company and less than 2 weeks later I found out that my old co-worker tested positive and was out of work. The fear of getting Covid with Fibro TERRIFIES me, and I know that FM doesn't make me Immuno-compromised but knowing the pain I go through on normal days seemed enough to make me quit and get out of that setting. It really didn't seem worth it. Although I knew this was and still is the right decision I am SO GLAD you told me your experience because it is exactly what I was afraid of. I stay home for the most part and try to be very careful when/if going out. Masks, hand sanitizer, hand washing.. all of it.
Definitely not worth it and I don't blame you for quitting. My daughter I live with works on a plasma center and nursing home (2 different jobs) and it scares me she is going to bring it home with her.
I think that's how i got it the first time and it's already known that antibodies only last a few months and a person can get it again. Knowing I had just a mild case, I probably didn't even build up much antibodies to start with.
I stay home as much as possible and only leave to take my daughter to work. She does the shopping unless I can buy it online and have it delivered. It's not worth the risk. I have high BP and pre diabetic so I am a little above the risk level to get it,not like others,but I'm still at a higher risk then normal people are.
And you are welcome. I hope no one has to endure covid,but we know that's wishful thinking. Hopefully a vaccine will be found soon.
We keep the central air at 69 degrees every day in the house and I’m always sweating. I walk up the stairs I break out into a dripping sweat. I hate the summertime now cause of it. I also get really flushed too. I hate it.
I have found that moisture wicking shirts and sheets help with sweats. Why is it that there's alot of little things that can help but not one thing that can make you better? I know, not enough research. Sigh
Sad to recognize the struggles everyone is going through as one of my own daily battles. Personally I see the hot flashes and night sweats more of an issue during the hot summer time, with high moisture in Fl. It feels like my body somehow absorbs all the heat during the sun/ heat exposure and then retains it for the rest of the day, long after the exposure. It's as if I'm not able to turn that internal switch back to cold ... definitely a nervous, perception issue, as there is no fever involved. When outside, it takes very little for me to be drenched in sweat, especially my face.
We keep the central air at 69 degrees every day in the house and I’m always sweating. I walk up the stairs I break out into a dripping sweat. I hate the summertime now cause of it. I also get really flushed too. I hate it.

My husband and I have 3 floors to our house (basement, main level and upper level) and our washer and dryer are in our basement. Sometimes I find that going up both flights of stairs if I'm doing laundry makes me start to sweat. Not always, but there are days where it's hard to make it up both sets of stairs and not just feel exhausted!
I have found that moisture wicking shirts and sheets help with sweats. Why is it that there's alot of little things that can help but not one thing that can make you better? I know, not enough research. Sigh

That's a great idea! I'll look into that type of shirt. I had night sweats last night that started around 3am and lasted until I got up around 9. It's so gross, I have to change multiple times throughout the night and it's exhausting! The wicking shirts/sheets i'd never heard of specifically so this might be great! Thanks!
Sad to recognize the struggles everyone is going through as one of my own daily battles. Personally I see the hot flashes and night sweats more of an issue during the hot summer time, with high moisture in Fl. It feels like my body somehow absorbs all the heat during the sun/ heat exposure and then retains it for the rest of the day, long after the exposure. It's as if I'm not able to turn that internal switch back to cold ... definitely a nervous, perception issue, as there is no fever involved. When outside, it takes very little for me to be drenched in sweat, especially my face.
Me too!! I find my head gets especially over heated, especially fast. There are times if I let myself get too hot it's super hard to cool back down. There's times in the summer that I spend maybe just a couple of hours outside (if even that long), sometimes in shaded, cooler areas, and still find it knocks me out for the rest of the day. Headaches, fatigue, pain.. I can't wait for this summer to be over already. I need the cold.
Wow! You are all talking about how the hot weather affects you and I am here desperately waiting for summer to return. Winter does not agree with me. I get extremely cold and my body literally stiffens up. I feel that every winter my symptom worsen alittle and new symptoms appear. My body loves the heat.
Cold, wet,rainy and windy days are the death of me. 😂
Wow! You are all talking about how the hot weather affects you and I am here desperately waiting for summer to return. Winter does not agree with me. I get extremely cold and my body literally stiffens up. I feel that every winter my symptom worsen alittle and new symptoms appear. My body loves the heat.
Cold, wet,rainy and windy days are the death of me. 😂

It's so crazy how different FM is for everyone! Too much heat literally brings me to the point of passing out sometimes.. Give me the cold wet rainy/windy days anytime! Maybe even add in some snow :)
Wow! You are all talking about how the hot weather affects you and I am here desperately waiting for summer to return. Winter does not agree with me. I get extremely cold and my body literally stiffens up. I feel that every winter my symptom worsen alittle and new symptoms appear. My body loves the heat.
Cold, wet,rainy and windy days are the death of me. 😂
I think I'd rather deal with sweating to death then winter. It's just a few short months and life will be harder on some of us. Temp changes and all the fun. I'll hibernate for the winter.
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