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New member
May 24, 2015
Hi all! My name is Larry, I'm 43, and I'm new here. Sorry for the less than cheery "Title," but that's what I am.

For about two years I have had these mystery symptoms:

1. Painful abdominal bumps under skin (lipomas)
2. Painful bumps on ribs
3. Visible muscle twitches all over my body
4. An occasional muscle jerk or two, generally at night
5. Forgetfulness
6. Fatigue, especially in the morning
7. Depression
8. Headaches
9. Super jumpy, the slightest noise can scare me
10. Urinary frequency
11. Muscle pain, that never seems to go away
12. Sore lymph nodes under jaw/neck and armpits after exercise
13. Insomnia
14. Numbness in hands and feet
15. etc, etc, etc

Before all of these symptoms happened, I never went to the doctor and was generally in good health. Since the first symptoms appeared, I've seen over a dozen doctors and have had more tests than I have symptoms. The conclusion that the doctors have come to is that I'm simply crazy.

I agree, I am. I mean who in their right mind would continue to shell out thousands of dollars to be told it's simply anxiety. I've always had anxiety, but that doesn't mean my pain isn't real. I don't know if others have gone through this or not, but it's very disheartening to be in pain and then to be blamed because the doctor can't find the problem. Very frustrating.

Now I rely on Googling my symptoms, which is probably not the best way to diagnose a problem, but I'm done with doctors at this point. I know a disorder/disease like Fibromyalgia can be a catch-all, but I really feel that the symptoms I have fit. I've read that the percentage of men who get Fibromyalgia is much lower compared to women, but I have always had severe anxiety in my life, so I think it might make sense.

Anyways, sorry to rambling and to be so pessimistic. I'm really glad to be here and I certainly hope someone might have some ideas to pass along.

Yes, men do deal with FM and yes I believe so much needs to be addressed.

I was given the diagnosed in mid 1999 at 61 and at that time I still had not been on thyroid support, which I was trying to get since 1991. My numbers were all "normal" but my gut says, sluggish took 10 yrs before I could get on support and it was from my osteopath on the phone, no labs, he called in for Armour desiccated and after 4 days on Armour the 10 yr depression lifted.. He was an old school MD who knew about thyroid and all symptoms of HypoT and many of those symptoms are the same as the Fibro symptoms.

I've addressed everything, thyroid, adrenals, hormones and wonder "if" I really have this FMS. An endo I went to see, in 1999 touched around my thyroid and said "it is fine" but you have FM after he touched other spots. He was pushing guaifenison for me to get on, but I resisted.

So, here at 2015, I don't know...I deal with bodywide OA and in 2010 had a hip replacement which left me with more MESS..too many complications.

So, this is my story and I share it with you. Your thyroid may be just fine or it may need help.

Google Hypothyroid symptoms and you will find a lot of what you posted above. C

PS: Did you go thru an emotional or physical trauma? If I do deal with FM, it was an emotional trauma that pushed me to the fight/flight/fright syndrome.
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Hello Larry,

I think we are all a little crazy sometime. I hear your pain and it took me 3 years to get to the bottom of my health. It all first started with feeling tired and achey all over. Some day it was hard to get out of bed, even standing or trying to run was an issue. I was 60 then and now 62. They sent me to the U of M Cancer center said I had a blood disorder. My blood work was wacky and I was getting all sorts of colds so they did (3) bone marrow biopsies and those hurt like hell. Well after all sorts of doctors, tests, sleep studies it all finally came together so don't give up. I have sleep apnea but cannot use the machine so I have to sleep on my side so I breath better at night. Then my family doctor sent me to a Rhemotologist. She did blood work and gave me a 100% head to toe exam. She said I have bursitis and Fibro. It has taken me month for the right combination of meds to improve my quality of life. I do water therapy 2-3 times a week and man have regained muscle so I do not fall any more. It is low impact and I would try it. I still have the fiber fog, she said that hopefully does not get any worse. I had to quit my job as a school counselor and finally got approve for Social Security Disability. It has been a hard road for me, just like you it may take a while but do not give up. The message I get from my doctors is to stay active at whatever level you can.
Wishing you strength to keep going buddy!

PS I did get a little therapy along the way even though I was a licensed counselor and still take two antidepressants.
I took anti depressants for 10 long years before I finally got my thyroid supported! Those drugs did not help, it was a sluggish thyroid that needed help.
Welcome to the site ,have u ask any of these Dr if you have fibro. ?
And it's ture anxiety can lead to pain .but so many ppl suffer with fibro un aided .a lot of ppl here have been made to feel like there making it all up.
At the end of the day what matters is getting the right treatment. I'm afraid Google won't do that.
Yes endless Dr are a pain but it's so importent to find one who believes u.
hello Larry! good to see another male from TEXAS!

you might what to use Doctor google to look at small fiber neuropathy. SFN.
they are some of the same symptoms.

you said you can see/feel the lumps? the doctors cant see the lumps?

if they cant find anything what are they giving you for the fatigue and pain that can be seen in your face.

have them at least try to give you something to sleep or get a OTC sleeping pill. you need some kind of relief.
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