Fatigue extreme tired or muscle fatigue

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Legendary member
Sep 18, 2015
Hi to all....can i ask do you suffer fibro fatigue as weak tired heavy limbs ie muscle weakness and huge effort to put one foot in front of the other ...climb stairs etc or all over extreme body fatigue as in i need to lay down or sit down right now.

I am guessing both but am interested in others experience. I cant say i get more sleepy in fact sleeping like for so many evades me and feels like my brain is wired up.

When you have no muscle power... say in the legs, do you push yourself to go for a walk but then ouch it hurts so much as well as no energy so you are all messed up and then cant walk legs so rigid and agony except enough to get a cuppa and have to them rest for days.

My body is all changing and i cant get to grips at the moment...it is saying rest rest rest but now i have been resting the fatigue is no better like it used to be. My old strategies aren't working.

How is it for you guys and girls?
Hello Willow
I have extreme fatigue at times as well. When it is bad, i really cant do much of anything but lay around and just rest. It also becomes a huge effort for me to walk or get around. It usually resolves itself after a few hours or a few days.
It is really hard to deal with and i know how difficult this can be. It is scary for me and im sure it is for you too. It seems to be cyclical and it does come and go for me, but i have found that nothing seems to stay the same. I cant count on anything with this illness.
Thanks LemonMoon (pretty name)....yeah my body feels like it is shutting down and even sitting on the edge of the bed like i dont have the strength and then i get more pain all over too....this illness sure knocks it out of you.
I try to do little bit of work, long break, little bit of work, long break. It helps if I'm conscious of the fatigue, but chose to set it aside just like I do with the pain. I just keep telling myself that it is not "real" just a disfunction of my brain. I think it helps a little to try to keep functioning as movement gets the blood flowing.
hi again Willow and Getemgirl,

Well for me, i feel i dont have any stamina. I can get up and do a little something, but i wear out so easily.
i never know how long i will last if i am out and about so i never plan anything that will take hours to do. i just cant do that anymore. I do get up and walk my doggie pretty often, when i am not feeling really bad and that helps my circulation and my strength. I do try and push myself when i can, but basically my inner core seems weak most days.

I hate that i cant get out and do things like i see other people doing around my building. it does depress me. but i try not to dwell on that and just keep doing what i can do and then, sit down again and rest like you , Getem. So i think we have to just kinda play it by ear every day, and for me its different every day....
This is exactly how i have lived for the last 7 years never giving in but something has happened and the burning pain and stiffness 24/7 and fatigue so i can barely get to the bathroom without my legs giving way is all new to me i am so weak. The doc has given me strong pain meds for last 6 week which helped the pain now they have stopped helping at all. Making a cup of tea and getting back to the arm chair makes my heart rate go through the roof, the room spin and body so heavy its like running a marathon. I am so lost in this new level of disability.A few months ago i was cooking meals, cleaning the house a bit at a time resting in between a bit of light gardening, a walk some days when i could just like you say. i continued to push and now the pain seems to have stuck at an extreme permanently. It's scary.
I offen get heavy feeling . Can bearly move. I rest for 30 mins then move .i push through it .because for me that helps lift it.
Then I sit down and do a job like propearing the runner beans for dinner or peeling carrots. This way I don't feel like I'm just sat on my ass.
Give me pain anyway over fatigue.
I guess we are all different...i am sooooo hoping this awful time will pass as pushed myself to do a 15 minute walk when i could hardly lift my feet and now my legs and hips burn non stop day and night. I can't seem to win as everyone keeps telling me to keep moving but my body is screaming muscles fatigued at me and my feeling is they need rest....now they have enforced rest as i am hobbling from room to room! Thats fibro!
How do any of you survive financially. I have many of these issues to varying degrees. I stress out and am very depressed. My Anxiety level is also high. I have a ten yr old son I have full custody of and live with my folks who are 72yrs old. If not for them I would be homeless. I have been denied 3 times for disability.
I'm with my folks to I. Just starting on disability road. So no idea how il get on. I have three grown children and a three year old.im afraid pride takes a bashing when it comes to surviving.i don't borrow money from anyone .but I do have little ones dad to help me out money wise atm.
Hello Fellow sufferers,

I get a small check of social security disability. its very hard to live on under $700 a month, but, somehow i manage. Sometimes have nothing at the end of the month.

i live in public housing so my rent is 30% of my monthly amount. I am 70 years now, and i am all alone with this.

Its a continual struggle to live and get by and manage to get up and take care of my apt, food and little dog these days. Some days i dont feel as bad as some days, seems like it cycles and gets better and then worse once again. i sleep alot these days just to survive. Also stress and anxiety are just killers for us. You cant let yourself get overwhelmed with this or you will pay.

i am thinking of looking into a service that is offered for the disabled for caregiving, where they will do laundry and clean for you and go get food or medicine. Just a few hours per week.

I hate being this dependant on others, but it seems our choices are at a minimum when fibro gets real bad.
Yes! Sometimes I feel like I could just fall over because someone is talking to me and Im standing and I have to sit down immediately or Ill fall down and Im embarrassed to tell them why, but as of late, I am getting more courage and tell them, or I get dizzy spells and have to sit. Ive had fibro for the last 30 years but still been able to work, but this is the worst year and I have had to cut my hours, and I worry as Im the sole provider. I can imagine how it is for you because being disabled by fibro, the more you can't move around, the weaker you get. When I am on vacation every year for two weeks its really bad for me because I don't exercise or do much and by the 8th or 9th day I can barely get around, that's pretty scarey. Most days lately I am so physically exhausted just doing half the work I used to do, I come home, my whole body is internally shaking, physically, emotionally exhausted and crying all the time because of the pain, frustration and depression, trying to lay in bed and relax and jumping internally at every sound, legs burning, ears ringing, dizzy, sinus pain, chest hurting, I am soooooo tired of it. I also have carpal tunnel in both wrists and had one surgery already to release one wrist, it is still not the same.I am through with trying to explain to people that don't have fibro how I feel because it is worthless! No one gets it. My mother understood because I had it when I was younger too, but she is gone now.My husband almost lost his leg in an accident 3 years ago and he has not been the same since. I was at the same job for 25 years and then my first husband committed suicide, because of the emotionality of it I could not function and lost my job, was disabled for a year with depression and fibro, removed my pension and lived on it while trying to become stable again, the next year I went back to school and in the next three years I opened my own business, and the demand for my business is there, but because of my Fibro I can only work so much. I am struggling to maintain as my Fibro has become the worst ever this year. Im 56 and long for my younger years when I was stronger and healthier and more independent. I have become somewhat jealous and bitter of people I see walking down the street, laughing with their friends, striding with ease , not a care in the world, as I struggle with every step. I guess I have to remember it could be worse, I could be in a nursing home, paralyzed. I try to think positive, but when Im in so much pain it is hard to. It affects every aspect of our lives. People just don't know.
Hi Riley I feel just like you. I am 55 and this has been the worst year since I got fibro. The stress of being in so much pain just brings on more and more symptoms and bits of you that are badly affected and like you say the less you do the less you can which i didnt realize until it happened to me.
Yes Willow, its a terrible thing to have, very depressing. So glad I gound this forum and still navigating my way around. :)
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