

New member
Dec 11, 2023
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 2 years ago; although , I have had pain for years. I am trying to understand how this thing works and am I just imagining things. I was doing really well where I was having episodes maybe 1 to 2 times per month lasting from 4 hours to maybe 1 or 2 days. Recently last month my pain increased and it seems as if it never really went away and some days were just awful. One week I missed about 4 days because the pain was excruciating. Did not get better, but went back bc I did not want to miss more time and ended up missing a day and then later part of a day bc I kept trying to continue and so I ended pushing myself and it may have contributed to spotty episodes. Over all I had about 4 or 5 episodes where I just could not work bc of the severity of the pain. I type a lot and the pain in my hands feel like a prickly feeling and the shock waves that go up my arm to my shoulders and it my arms and shoulders feel really heavy and there is an extreme burning sensation in my shoulder and neck area that will not go away. Not to mention the chest, back leg and feet pain. My legs and feet were swollen for days and the constant headache from the neck and shoulder pain was overwhelming. Now this month it seems the pain is getting better, but I have not had continuous pain like this in a long time and I am trying to figure are there episodes that last for long periods of time bc I feel as by continuing to go back I may have just aggravated things. Will pushing yourself to do more even after you feel a little better cause the chronic pain to be prolonged and does fibromyalgia cause swelling?
Hi @LadyLace7 Welcome to the forums 🤗 🤗

I type a lot and the pain in my hands feel like a prickly feeling and the shock waves that go up my arm to my shoulders and it my arms and shoulders feel really heavy and there is an extreme burning sensation in my shoulder and neck area that will not go away.
Apart from most of your message, this really got me, I've had that for years, about over 30, anyway. At times my hands go very weak, and typing is putting a finger on the key and pressing with the other hand. Mobiles, I can't text much as it feels like mini shocks every time i touch the keypad. My ars are weakening now, as I've hung some washing.

Any pressure on shoulders will also drain energy from my arms, bra straps are most days no-no's, so around home i don't bother. heavy jackets will also kill my arms.

I don't actually get the pain, but I am thinking that I get the symptoms of it, just not got the brain recognition of it.

My head is drifty (fog) and arms/hands losing go, so I'm off shortly.

A couple of tips, to get a paarticulare persons attention, put the @ symbol in fromt of their hname as I've done with yours. can't be bothered correcting typos, fingers jump or fail.

also, reaking the test with a couple of 'enter' key taps makes it easier to read, as many of us struggle with a 'block' of text.

cheers, take care hugs 🤗🤗🤗
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
Pushing yourself is often the cause of greater pain. The thing that helps many of us is finding out through careful experimentation just what our bodies are "saying" to us, and how far we can go. I have actually fine-tuned my ability to listen to my body so that I will know what I can do and what I shouldn't.........most of the time! It's not a science you can perfect. But if you spend the time and energy to tune in to your body, it can tell you when to quit.

Are you just imagining things? Probably not, if you have already been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, although sometimes people will make you doubt yourself. Don't let them.

What are you doing for yourself on a daily basis to take good care of yourself?

Many of us find that doing some form of exercise (whatever you have discovered works for you), eating a very healthy diet (whatever that is for you, as long as it is balanced and healthy), reducing stress as much as possible, avoiding negative people and thoughts, are all things that can help.

We can also tell you what other things, like specific exercises or medications or supplements have worked for each of us, but always remember that we are all different and there's no one thing that will work for everyone when it comes to fibromyalgia. So if someone (here or elsewhere) says to you "Oh, just do this and you will be cured!", don't just believe it. But try it for yourself if you want to, and find out if it helps you.

I hope the forum is helpful to you. Let us know how we can support and help you.