Dr. Jeckle? Or. Mr..Hyde

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Very helpful member
Sep 13, 2014
Once again Ive had a weird Dr. App. The Dr. Ive Been seeing does not work with pain management, and rolls his eyes one appointment about fibro, and then councils me the next about how I need to get through the steps of accepting fibro. NEEDLESS to say Im convinced hes the wrong Man for me. This will be my 4th gp sence 2015. 3 were not my choice to change, they Allllll walked off the Job. Great community of Dr.s right? So Ill be seeing neurologists next. Ive had memory prob sence 2010, and the last 4 yrs are worse, I have weekness in my right hand, and muscle twitches, strong muscle twitches, I decided to show my Dr. a vidio of the twitch, that caught his attention. This morning the weekness in my right hand caused me to spill coffee all over me. Anyway honestly, fibro would be better than ms, but I want to rule it out. My Dr. said " even if you do have ms, the treatment is worse than the symptoms. Sigh.....😕
Hi Moe. Oh what fun...4 doctors in two years. Ugh! You know what you instincts are saying so perhaps move on from this doctor. He might just not be the right doctor for you. It's just such a hassle to get established as a new patient.
In this instant actions do indead speak louder then words. His eye rolling tells you he is in disbelief of your condition despite telling you to learn to accept it. Plus, I accept I have it but I don't and won't accept that there's no hope or better treatments.
In the words of Bill Cosby "roll those little eyes at me and I'll roll your little head".
Hope your doing well.
Wow, moe. For a doctor to roll eyes at you is completely unprofessional and incredibly rude and dismissive. I would find a different one if someone did that to me. On the other hand going from Dr to Dr is a huge hassle, I am sure. Each new one not really taking you seriously, it sounds like!

It is very hard to find a truly decent doctor these days. I don't know why that is, but I know it has been many many years since I had one that I felt I could trust, and who treated me like a fellow human being.

All I can say is good luck to you. Do you know anyone to ask for a recommendation? Of course, that's another problem........it's all about what your insurance decides to cover, these days, or who you can afford if you don't have insurance, which is usually how it is for me. The whole system is so messed up.
I've had my doctor do the same in my early days of symptoms...it made me so cross and belittled.
When I was with insurance I found many doctors to act differently than when I'm without . I finally got a clear diagnosed with fibro after I went to see the doctor that accepted patients with no insurance, to my surprised. I guess like most human being some doctors care more about the patients they treating than other doctors. Of course I have to pay cash but it worth every pennies. I know I will get back on having insurance again at some point but I will go back to see him that's for sure. To my understanding, lots of doctors dislike symptoms that they can't fully treat but instead of admitted defeat they blame the patient for their faults just to save the embarrassment. I kinda understand that in the way if they admitting that they're no good at it so often then they'll be out of business. Fibromyalgia is a huge pain to treat for any doctors that trying to do cause not all fibromyalgia treatment are the same do to the variety of different backgrounds of each patient. If it's clear cut like other illness no doctors would giving us a run around so much. The doctors have to have enough interest in fibromyalgia to begin with otherwise there's no point of seeing them.
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