Does Fibromyalgia Worsen Over Time?

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Apr 9, 2014
I'm new to this, I was just diagnosed this week. Right now my pain is usually not severe enough to have a huge impact on my daily activities (other than making them downright unpleasant). I work with animals and I'm on my feet all day, lifting, etc, and my boss is one of those people who doesn't "believe" in Fibromyalgia, despite being a vet and a chronic pain sufferer herself. I also have been trying to keep exercising a few times a week, but I'm nowhere near what I was able to do a year ago...I know it's different for everyone but I'm really worried I'll have to change jobs or stop doing the one thing that controls my depression and anxiety...should I expect the pain to get worse the longer I have it? Or does it just stay the same aside from flare-ups?
I personally wouldn't say ti does. Indeed over time you learn your own personal triggers and remedies so even if the Fibro itself stays the same you learn how to manage it a lot better. I wouldn't say it really better inherently better either, but maybe that's just me. I hope you learn how to deal with your Fibro over time.
For me it got to a certain level of pain gradually and never any worse. But I'm learning to control it through diet and supplements. Any form of sugar, including even one strawberry, will give me a flare up. Grains slow my whole digestive system down, which causes the fibro to ache. So I only eat grass fed meat and organic veggies without sugar or starch and a few types of tree nuts. The pain is gone most of the time. I have a naturopathic doctor working very closely with me, but you can figure out dietary triggers on your own through elimination diets. I am very certain that cod liver oil and tumeric pills are also making a huge difference in controlling my pain too.
Not necessarily. Of course, it can become worse over time but it can also disappear. There aren't enough studies for us to tell whether fibromyalgia has this characteristic or not.
Thanks everyone! I sure hope it doesn't...I can't afford not to work! I also hope I don't have to give up anymore foods, as I'm already intolerant to gluten and nuts, and my IBS makes my GI tract even more sensitive. Have you found your naturopathic doctor to be helpful? I'm thinking of looking into some holistic/alternative medicine just to explore the options.
Well, you can't really now when it will become worse. Just follow the doctor's instructions and don't get into unproven treatments. Also, always have some analgesics with you.
I've found that it doesn't necessarily get worse long-term, but there are days when it feels worse, when the symptoms "Flare-ups". The trick is finding out what helps and what makes the symptoms worse. I wish I could be more specific, but it seems that everyone's recovery methods are unique. I personally don't respond well to any sort of medication, but there are many people who need it to function. I think diet/ exercise are huge factors. But in my experience the fibro symptoms aren't progressively more and more debilitating.
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