Do we really have fibro

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Legendary member
Oct 6, 2014
how many of you after many years with this, every really accepted you got it.
It's been well over ten years for me and yet I still get days where I think could it be something else. I put this down to the fact that the gps still don't believe it's a illness . That's it's a label they give then there out of ideas. And it sad to think so many of us are made to feel we're all nuts, lazy and self centred .
I no I won't get better and some days it's almost to much to think about,but a part of my brain says I will get better.if only the rest of the world could accepted what we have maybe we would all cope so much better.if only we had a famous person with it who could stand up and say hay this is real I got it im sure more ppl would believe us.
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time today. You got it right. We need more than docs and others are able or willing to give back.

Just recently I had several days of no pain whatsoever. I thought, ha! they are wrong after all, I don't have FM! Then the 11th day made up for the reprieve.

I did make peace with my heavenly Father though; I had prayed one way and didn't realize I was rebelling in my heart. It really changes things when He touches your health. I've been so much more at peace now and realize this is the worst hell I'll experience-next comes heaven!

We all so want others to understand in even the smallest way. How can they? We didn't before we had it.

Take care, hope tomorrow is better and brighter for you.
I've only been diagnosed as of March 2014, my original response was yes finally after years of pain, a diagnosis with a name.
My only problems are ......none of my family care, over that now btw.
My pharmacist thinks it's all in the head.
So. everyone will see me smile, and lie when they ask me "how are you? Oh just great! But when it comes time to nurse hand and foot and I say NO! Well I won't worry about there widdle feelings getting hurt.
There comes a time when you just do what you have to do. Im SO DONE
Please hang in there! I no longer live my nlife day to day.I have to live it minute to minute.
I can be feeling fine/great even dancing, then in one minute the pain can move to level 8. I call it tippy toe pain. Its unbearable! Meds help,CBD helps.
No one understands your pain.
Remember this is the hand god gave you.
Do the best you can. Come to the forum here it seems to help people.
Your not crazy and it is real.
I hope u find some relief soon.O:-)
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