Disability Question

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New member
Aug 26, 2015
New Jersey
Hello all. I am new here but unfortunately not new to fibro. I was diagnosed in 1996 when I was only 14. My fibro specialist said it was one of the most severe cases he had seen and it hasnt gotten any better over the years.

I have never been able to work full time in my life. I was going to try to get benefits when I was younger but most doctors wouldnt recognize it as a real medical issue and no one won cases. I have heard that some people do now. I can only work around 10-15 hours a week and have been living with my mother my whole life because I cant possibly support myself.

I hate not being able to pay her rent and knowing I will never be able to support myself. I also worry about the future as I will undoubtably be homeless later in life. Has anyone else been able to get partial disability and still work part time? And has anyone else had fibro their whole adult lives and never been able to work full time? I havent met anyone in my situation. If anyone has any info that could help me I would be so grateful.
Hi and welcome. I'm going through the same thing as u.
But things a bit different in the UK. But just as hard to get benefit.
I'm worried sick later in life I won't have anywhere to live so your not alone there,I live with my mum and dad to. And there in there 70s.
I'm also trying to sort out disability benefit at some point, but u have to have. A lot of records and information from your Dr first.
Go online and see if u can find a website that deals with this sort of thing and bone up as much as u can .it can take months to get so it's never to soon to read and learn what to do and say .
I'm sure more ppl from your part of the world will have better adivce to offer , but your not alone x
do you have other medical conditions?

you can always call SSD and ask.

i have lupus and thats an automatic award. they wont let me have disability. why? i live with my wife!

because in 1963 they made a law that says it can also be based on household income. so my wife makes 5 times more than the limit!
so i dont get to have anything. i paid into it for over 30 years and they are just going to keep it.

she did say i can divorce my wife and move out and they will let me have it....how nice!

you work part time.

i have advise for you.

get a life insurance policy on your mom. do research!

make sure if she owns a house you have the insurance that will pay it off if she dies.
my sure she has a will and leaves it to you or the state will take it with no will.

call you local state reps office and ask for help. my friend and his three brothers were turned down and the rep got them the disability
in a matter of weeks. send a certified letter to the rep.

like forget said have all the doctors fill out the forms for the SSD. they know what they need to do. your not the only one that they treat and had to help get SSD.

good luck and cover your A$$.
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