Diagnosed yesterday

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New member
Jun 7, 2016
Hi,, I'm Kitty
Firstly I'll apologise in advance - I am not very computer savvy, I have no clue if I'm posting this correctly or not!
Yesterday the Rheumatologist said I had CFS and developing fibromyalgia. When I saw him 6 months ago I had a couple of the Fibro pressure points, yesterday I had half a dozen and I go back to see him again in 6 months.
I'm still trying to get my head around this and I'm not even really sure what I want to ask. I think I just wanted to tell someone without it feeling like a confession! My family are also trying to get to grips with it but " I don't know what that is...I see...so you're just a bit run down and tired" just isn't helping right now even though I know they have the best intentions.
So, I guess just thanks for listening to me moaning. I think when I'm a bit less stunned I'll probably have lots of questions. Bye for now x
Hi Kitty,
Don't apologise for anything :) You posted correctly as far as I can tell. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I'm sure you've come to the right place to talk about how you're feeling. I can completely understand how stunned you must feel, and I'm sorry that your family aren't the people to help you right now. It takes time when a loved one is ill to really comprehend what is wrong, and sometimes we diminish other people's health problems to try and reassure ourselves that we aren't going to lose them.
I can't speak for everyone, but I'm sure I do when I say moan away. I'm still learning about fibromyalgia as a relative of a sufferer, so I have lots of questions too and doubt I can answer yours, but I've been reading these forums today and it seems like a helpful community who really empathise with each other.
Take care :) x
Welcome ,don't worry about a thing , it's nice to meet you and I hope u stick around x
That's what it takes, optimism, welcome to the forum!
When I first was dx I read everything I could get from the library and then bought a few as well. First thing, everyone is very different with FM, so if one thing works for me, it may not work for you. But there are certain things that help everyone, like heat-hot baths, showers heating pads. Magnesium, I use "Natural Calm" it not only helps muscles relax but you can overdose a bit to get those bowels moving,(stay home that day!) Most of us are helped by a good B complex. There are more things but I don't want to overwhelm you. Don't forget to drink lots of water for your muscles sake and on bad days find a distraction; reading, movies, a craft or even snuggling with a fur baby (one of my favorites).

Welcome to the group!
Water is something that helps a lot as it helps to "clean" the "infection".
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