Diagnosed at 21 symptoms from age 8

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New member
Jan 8, 2015
I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have struggled with this most of my life. I am only 21 years old and pain for me started at 8. I was diagnosed with Lupus, JRA, Celiac, Enthasitis, Costochondritis and Ehlers Danlos before coming to the correct diagnosis. The reason being for my young age and my wide spread variety of symptoms, as I also have interstitial cystitis, hyper mobility issues, lung problems and gastrointestinal issues. My question is, is there anyone on here who has early onset fibromyalgia? Do your symptoms seem to be more intense and more varied then those who start to have pain at a later age? Why are my symptoms so all over the place? How do you think your fibromyalgia developed? Thanks!:smile:
Oh wow. Yeah I was about 7 or 8 to when I started noticing the pain. Over time it got worse and one day I was like I can't stand the pain anymore. I was diagnosed in 2010. But it took 3 years before they came to a conclusion. I started getting joint pain in my back, knees and ankles. It came up slowly and the pain just progressed to the point that I couldnt even get out of bed. I can say that it has affected my life completely..physically and mentally. I also have bad bouts with interstitial cystitis, over active bladder and the gastrointestinal problems. It has caused me to also have social anxiety..And I can say its horrible. How are your abilities to live life now? I am trying this year to make up for the lost time. I don't know if it helps but you now know someone in NY that also knows how it feels. Tuesday I baby sat my nephew for a short while.. I had fun with him. He is almost 3 and this was my first attempt to watch over him. baby steps I guess
I added you on facebook. And the pain for me this last year has been worse than ever before. severe issues with interstitial cystitis as well as back problems, I continue to get subluxations in my back on my rib joints. some days are better then others but I just get so confused why I'm having pain. I feel like there must be something wrong with me beyond the fibromyalgia, but when the next day the pain can be completely different, I know it isn't.
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