Companion Animals

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Feb 9, 2013
I bet lots of us have animals we live with...

My husband and I have five dogs and one cat. (No human kids.) Our dogs and cat are our kids.

We fostered rescue dogs for about 15 years, kept the ones that had a hard time finding homes. Three of our current dogs and our cat are rescues. Two of our dogs are purchased from good breeders. Here's a pic of the three I'm currently doing dog sports with. We don't foster anymore, we got burned out.

Tatum is the smooth sable collie, she's a rescue that came from a hoarder in Houston that had 70 collies in her back yard. Jet is the Danish-Swedish Farmdog (the small white one that looks kinda like a Jack Russel mix, but he's not a terrier, and he's a pure-bred rare breed dog.) And Quinn is the smooth blue merle collie. Quinn is 10 months old and he's going to learn agility and obedience, and he is doing the fancy dog show stuff too.

We also have a Border Collie mix, Chase, who is 10, and a Border Collie, Muffit, who is also 10, not pictured here.


(The smooth collies are collies just like Lassie, except they have short hair. Lassie is a rough collie - long hair.)
Cynder, I have to say your dogs are beautiful. I have always loved collies, no doubt from watching Lassie and Timmy, on tv when I was growing up. But I do know that they are good with children and protective. And the smaller one has such an intelligent look on his face. I am glad you have such nice pets to keep you company, and the fact your into dog shows is very interesting. My mother and I have a cat, part siamese and mixed breed, but he looks like a traditional siamese cat. He has the mahogany colored face and ears, tail and feet. The rest of him is silver/gray or light tan color. He is beautiful and knows it. He runs the house. I wish though that I owned a dog instead. lol
I grew up with border collie mutts so have always had a soft spot for them.
I have often thought about getting a dog but decided it wouldn't be fair to them.
While myself and hubby are working full time and with me the way I am now just isn't feasable. The poor bugger would end up being a fat lazy carpet lump and lonely.
So I have fish. I love my fish tank and people laugh at me for talking to them and I have my favorite squirrel that come when I call for her to get her breakfast peanuts.
I have a couple of cats, Calvin and Hobbes. They are almost 6 years old now, and I've had them since they were kittens. They weren't exactly rescues, but they were on their way to the shelter because an acquaintance of mine's cat had a litter and he couldn't find homes for them all, so I stepped in, and I'm so glad I did.

I've always been more of a dog person, so I spent awhile trying to find a good home for them, but when they learned how to sit on command and play fetch, it was too late. They became part of my family. They are part maine coon, so they are big fellas, about 17 pounds each, which makes it difficult when I'm having a bad pain day to give in to their demands for lap-time. Hobbes is very energetic and out going, Calvin is more reserved, but still a handful at times. Both of them seem to know when I'm not feeling great, and their love can hurt >XD

Calvin is the fluffy one, Hobbes is the tiger tabby. They have completely different fur, but exactly the same markings, and the same face (which is more obvious after bathtime). Here is a picture for you to Awwww at, if you are so inclined.


I look at these pictures and I just want to hold them. I am a huge animal lover. We have one dog and one cat. Our dog is Nashley( Big Nash) he is about 10 years old now. He grew up with my boys. Our kitty is Simon. He is our newest member to the family. Nashley is a big black lab (what an awesome breed of dog) Nash and Simon get along very well together. On certain days we catch them snuggling with each other. :)
Wasn't Simon and Nash some sort of TV show in the 80s? Even if not, I love those names :D Awesome animals, everyone!
I have had a pug for about 12 years of my life. I really do love dogs so much but it was really hard for me when I lost mine. I don't know if I could go through something like that again. You do have some very nice looking pets.
Wasn't Simon and Nash some sort of TV show in the 80s? Even if not, I love those names :D Awesome animals, everyone!

O my goodness, LOL I do not know but that would be funny. Especially because we got Nash so long ago and he already had his name. And we just got Simon a few months ago. And he too already was given his name. But this is a pic of the two cuddle buddies. 0226131202.jpg
I just wanted to share our latest pics of Nashley and Simon. Nashley has been busy running after all the bunnies in the yard. Simon is just one crazy cat, he is so hyped up lately. But he is entertaining.


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I have two fabulous dogs. Miller was a stray that my son brought home one cold, wet night about 12 years ago. According to the vet, he's part beagle, part cocker. He looks like a cocker, but has the personality of a beagle. Handsome, loving and loyal. Natty is soon to be 3 years old. He is a shih-tzu/maltese mix. His momma is golden, his daddy is white, Natty is black and white. He is a puppy from a litter from my cousin's dogs. He's a momma's boy, very sweet, rowdy at times and makes me laugh.
In January, my youngest son (25) who lives with me adopted a Jack Russell. Ziggy is black and white also. Is typical of his breed. Has serious ADD issues. Drives both of his "brothers" insane and thinks he's the alpha male. He's like 2 - 3 puppies rolled into one. I can't believe the messes he makes and the stuff he gets into.
My life is so enriched by these 4-legged critters. I can't imagine life without them. I used to have cats, but once Miller came into my life, my affection for dogs just took over. When I divorced, I got the dog, He got the cat. LOL.
I have 2 dogs, a silky terrier and a dachshund. I also keep about 20 Japanese carp of different colors and sizes in a small pond in my garden. My neighbor who has Fibromyalgia frequently visits us and he enjoys the company of my dogs. Being with them seems to make him forget some of the pain
I had a collie cross rescue dog who died at 14yrs old at the beginning of this year. They are really good company, and can put a smile on your face when you're having a bad day. I have been considering getting another, but I'm not sure I can make that commitment at the moment, afterall it could be another 14yrs or more of care and companionship! I really do miss having a four legged friend wandering around the house though.
Animals are an excellent way to keep you company, and especially if you are feeling down they are always there to help you cheer up. Animals are very compassionate and they can pick up if you are feeling down. I particularly like dogs and have owned numerous dogs in my lifetime. Currently I have a beautiful Cocker Spaniel, she is black and white and called Amber. She really does know how to cheer me up when I am feeling down!
I'm newly diagnosed with fibro. This is my first post here - my pets are such a joy for me. I have one dachshund Winnie, two cats Pickles and Percy, and 10 birds. I am also a past collie owner and was a volunteer with a collie rescue (had to quit due to fibro). I love my dachsie but collies are the best!
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