Sabrina, those were my exact concerns when I thought about trying medical cannabis. The last thing I need is to feel out of it or fuzzy. I needed to be able to go to work, drive, have my daily life. But nothing else was reducing the pain as much as I needed or wanted, so I went ahead to try it.
I went in to the dispensary and had a long talk with one of the experts there. I told him everything I experienced with fibro, and what I wanted and did not want with the medication. He was very knowledgeable and told me everything I needed to know, including the fact that, just as with other medications, you have to be your own laboratory and experiment to find out what works for you.
I started out with very tiny doses, and over the course of a few weeks I built up to the level where it took care of the pain but did not make me feel "stoned". I hit that level almost a year ago and that has been my level of dosage ever since; it's not like some medication where you have to keep taking more because it doesn't work as well any more after a while. It is consistent. And I know also that, if I am in extreme pain and I am going to bed, I can take more of it to relax me and help me sleep because if it makes me "stoned" it won't matter because I am sleeping anyway.
If you are willing to experiment with what variety to use, and how much to use relative to the dose of CBD, you may find a combination that works for you.