Car sticker

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Oct 29, 2019
Hi all. Firstly I should say that I live in the UK where FM isn't classed as a disability. Recently I saw a car in a disabled parking space with had a sticker on it saying " not all disabilities are obvious - I suffer with fibromyalgia" or something along those lines. I wondered if any of you know where to get a sticker like this?
Don't know where to get the sticker. But if Fibro is not considered a disability, it seems like a risky thing to depend on such a thing as a sticker in order to park in the handicapped spot. In the US or Canada, if you are not registered with a disability and do not have the correct plates or windshield hanger, it is illegal to park in a handicapped spot, and you can get a hefty fine for that. A sticker like what you saw wouldn't help. I don't know what the laws are in the UK, but I would not be surprised if they were the same.

If you are physically able to walk from a regular parking space, then do. The exercise is good for you. If you are literally not physically able to do that, then maybe you could try again to get registered as disabled, and prove that you cannot walk. Maybe without even mentioning Fibro, since that seems to get in the way where you are.
I found a sticker on Amazon like that.
Hi Sunkola, I don't want to park in a disabled space as I am able to walk but I just wondered where it had come from.
Hi Sandian, sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying.
I like what the sticker says as well.
It is so true that not all disabilities are visible, and I saw a patch that said that once on the vest of a service dog.

People make assumptions about other people when they know nothing. I do it too, we all do. But sometimes it is to the other person's detriment. I wouldn't want to advertise that I have Fibro, as I am very private about it and only tell people who need to know or are likely to understand. But I support others if they want to point out that disabilities are not always easy to see.
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