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New member
Oct 2, 2014
I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago, Dr prescribed Cymbalta (spelling?) and it seemed to give some relieve, but then my eyesight started to blur so prescribing doctor told me to stop taking. I had just had my post op for cataract surgery and tested 20/20 in both eyes so the blurry eyes was awful. When I drove into school today I started crying-best friend helped me get my act together. Then I discovered a broken tooth-emergency trip to dentist. It took all I could do today to hold myself together- I teared up. I'm so tired of being tired and hurting.
After school I had a steroid epidural at C6 (have had surgery/fusion at 3/4/5 ) Now 7:10 pm I have a ton of papers to correct and I just want to crawl in bed and sleep til spring. :sad: Pain doctor prescribed Lyrica insurance said no and the side effects say can cause blurry vision. Now my eyes hurt from crying. Calling eye surgeon in the AM to get his take on possible pain meds I could try.
So sorry your going through that, When I started taking Lyrica my eyes went blurry to thats a side effect. When I was first diagnosed it was devastating to me, so I know what you are going through. Just remember you will have good days to come. Fibro takes alot from us but we also have good days to look forward to. Maybe you should take a nice warm bubble bath and do the papers later? or turn on some relaxing music and just try to relax. Hang in the dear, we are hear for you. Gentle Hugs!
Awwww! I am so sad to hear this but I truly understand. Stay strong and try your best to relax. I have had a moment or two of breaking down. I continue to keep going no matter what the burden. Just one moment or minute at a time!
Mhugs...big hug honey! I feel for you! I am so glad you have an understanding friend by your is times like this that a support person is so vital to our emotional health. You had a really crappy are entitled to fall is challenging as you begin your journey with fibro to sleuth out what's medications will work for you...hang in there..this forum is wonderful for support from people who understand.
I am so sorry to her about your diagnose, I think that with time things will start to look better to you, maybe you can even find some alternative medicines that can help?
Girl i feel your pain....

It will take time to adjust to having fibro, emotionally and physically. Today is crap for you but maybe tommorrow will be better. Take some time out and look after number one. Sending gentle hugs :)
Hi there! I totally get you, there are days the pain is bad, I feel so exhausted, but I know I have to keep working... writing and proofreading documents. Gosh, it's so tiring! Try to be strong, I know you really are but try to stay that way, it ain't easy, but we have no choice but to keep fighting! Hang in there!
Yeah, it's a sad scenario, but you need to stop crying and you need to find the strength to make the best out of it, I am sure it will improve.
Hi I totally understand. I was a nurse at the time they diagnost me, and I knew what that meant for my life. It has been really hard some moments, because in a way you feel a "loss" of something. I had to stop nursing and find another type of job. That was a huge heart breaker. But you do find that once you accept that this is what is in your path, life gets get easier. The mental/emotional peace that come with acceptance will help these kind of days. I wish the best for you. And YES YOU HAVE TO PUT YOU FIRST NOW. You really have to or you will run yourself down and feel way worse!
That is really tough, what you are going through is very tough, somehow there has to be a break, I wonder why the insurance company sometimes can not understand and approve some drugs depending on the urgency of the drug, but I hope all this ease up, take heart.
Bless your heart! I totally understand. It's hard enough having fibro, then you add in trying to work at the same's almost too much! It's especially hard when you're first diagnosed, because you're trying to understand all this. I recommend the book Fibromyalgia for Dummies. It's a great read, and easy to understand.

About the might ask your doctor to let you try gabapentin, because it's in the same family as lyrica and works the same way. It's an older drug, so it comes in generic. Antidepressants also help with fibro. They raise serotonin levels, which affect our pain levels, mood, and sleep. I find when I'm on a good antidepressant, I'm better able to handle everything. I take Zoloft, which is an SSRI.

I hate it when people who don't have fibro, depression, or chronic pain tell you to stop crying, pull yourself together, or cheer up! They have no idea! There's nothing we'd like better to do, but it isn't something you can control by just deciding to. A lot of times it's a chemical issue. Believe me, I've been there, and crying is a natural response to all that you're going through.

I'm glad you have a good friend at work. It's important to have someone there you can share your feelings with. Also it's good to connect here with others who understand and have this disease. I pray things get better quickly for you. Learn all you can about it....that helps, too.

God bless you! I understand.
Thank you for your post mhugs and AMEN fibrogal! I HATE when people say stop crying... suck it up, get over it, none of that helps. Sometimes its more depressing. One time I was crying and didn't really know why and someone said "sitting here feeling sorry for yourself wont help" and that did it, sent me into uncontrollable sobbing. When you're depressed, negativity towards you hits 10x harder. Depression often accompanies diagnoses like fibro. For me personally, the depression is limited to days with intense symptoms. My depression is situational, I don't yet think its chemical because its inconsistent. I too find myself crying quite often and I attribute it to numerous factors, many revolving around fibro. I cry because of the pain. I cry in frustration. I cry when I cannot follow through with plans due to pain/fatigue. I cry when I feel like a burden. I cry when I fear what a future with fibro may entail. I was diagnosed a month ago and am just now starting to accept that this may be an accurate diagnosis. It's scary, yes, but it's not cancer (that's a bad joke... I said that when I was diagnosed with epilepsy, then I was diagnosed with a precancerous neoplasia!).
Days like this, try not to fall into the deep hole... the one that holds you there too long. Let yourself cry, but cry out the frustration and anger, don't bury it. Try journaling or writing poetry. Seeing a therapist (mine has been a fantastic help!). Take a long hot bath, go for a massage, just relax and focus on truly taking care of yourself. And let others take care of you, too... as a nurse that one's hard for me! Having faith can help drastically, I'm aiming for a step in that direction myself. And as fibrogal said, its a natural response, and keep educating yourself with a goal of peace and understanding.
Oh my. I know it seems like there is nothing you can do. I have moments of doubt. Sometimes I am not even sure where to go with life because of these issues. Hopefully you find the relief you seek.
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